Chapter 27 - The Queen Returns

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Kits POV

"Ohhhh my head" I groaned out loud pressing my palms to my head.

"Hey, your finally up" I heard Penny say softly.

"Yeah, why am I feeling so weak. I feel like i couldn't even lift a strawberry to my lips." I said back in a poor whisper.

"Oh okay, so you gave up your powers last night to your warriors. Then you fainted. I carried you back and Eve told me to stay with you till you woke up because you might have slight memory loss and feel disorientated." She said quietly.

I suddenly sat bolt upright as I had a terrifying thought "what time is it, where's Sapphire. Is she okay? I need to see her" I shouted ignoring the searing pain from my head when I sat up.

"Calm down, calm down. It's 12pm, Sapphire is at school. Will dropped her and Skylar off this morning on his way to a meeting. She kissed you goodbye but you were sleeping like the dead. By the way Eve left this letter for you for when you woke up. Between you and the Warriors, your the first to awaken. They are still knocked out cold, I had a maid stay with each of them to make sure they were okay and to call me when they woke up." She said gently.

I fell back onto my pillows in relief my baby was okay. I was thankful for having Penny right now. She was an awesome friend to me and I trusted her which was a hard thing for me to do. I asked her "can you read Eves letter to me, my vision is clouded by pain and I can't sit up again. My energy is too low."

"Sure" she said perking up. Though she was a great friend she was nosey and loved gossip. She is the reason I was up to date with all the knowledge and gossip in this castle so it benefitted me. Not being able to open the letter addressed to me would have killed her I thought chuckling in my head.

"Dear peanut" she said and laughed at my nickname making me roll my eyes smiling.
"The spell worked (of course because I am awesome), when you wake up you will feel extremely drained of energy but that will only last about an hour. You won't feel much difference strength or speed wise but it WILL affect your healing time, resistance to silver and wolfsbane as well as stamina but not by much. Your warriors will feel invincible, remind them that they aren't. I hope to see you again soon I love you peanut, all my love, Eve. P.s I left those magic blocks you wanted under Marcus's cabin." Penny finished studying my reaction.

"Thanks Penny, could you make me some breakfast please, I'm sure that would speed up my recovery." I pleaded.

"Of course" she said and bounded out the door like a cute puppy and I slowly sat up and saw she left me two painkillers and a glass of water which I took gratefully and hoped I had done the right thing. I hadn't mentioned it too Penny but I remembered what she said before I blacked out and was now even more panicked about what my true beautiful mate would say about my latest antics. I have put her through so much already that i feel guilty I didn't tell her. As soon as Penny returns and I have breakfast, I will call Adrianna and tell her. She deserves to hear it from me and my reasons.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by the delicious smell of pancakes, syrup, bacon, eggs, sausages and orange juice. I salivated at the heavenly smell.
In she came with a tray and lay it on my lap. I smiled widely at her and said

"Seriously did the gods send you down to me because I really need to write them a thank you card or send them some flowers." I moaned out loud when I took a bite of my pancakes.

I was halfway through my breakfast when I remembered something with a smile. I looked to Penny who was also eating breakfast opposite me on the bed. She must have felt eyes on her because she looked up and noticed my mischievous grin. She rolled her eyes and groaned

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