Chapter 38 - Round 2..... Fight

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Kits POV

I gently woke up yawning loudly and lounging like a cat stretching out all my limbs hearing the satisfying crack and pop of my bones. After my satisfying stretching I got up and did my business, showered, dressed and realised "HOLY FUCK" it's game day today. The second round of the games is today and I have totally forgotten what happens in this round. I needed to call Adrianna and ask her so I grabbed my mobile that Adrianna had bought me ages ago and gave my soul mate a ring.

As it rang I heard a ringing tone but not from the phone line but from somewhere else. I looked around confused and listened carefully to locate the ringing and realised it was coming from the other side of my hospital room door.
Hope suddenly jumped into my throat and I quickly swung open the door to a loud


And suddenly I was attacked by a beautiful 4 year old who was suddenly attached to my legs. She looked up to me with her big beautiful blue eyes and motioned her arms up to me so I smiled and picked her up hugging her to me with a fierceness only a mother can provide. I smelled her hair and it smelt like watermelons.

"Ohhh princess it's so good to see you, I missed you so incredibly much I can't put into words." I said nearly crying.

"I missed you too mommy, I was c-c-crying" she started crying.

"She started crying because this was the longest she had gone without seeing you and the kids at school were telling her you got badly hurt and died" Adrianna finished off in her honey like tone I missed.

"Awww baby, I am sorry. I didn't realise how long it had been but I will never leave you that long ever again. As for you honeybee, get in this hug right now because I have missed you just as much." I said lovingly.

She laughed and joined in making my heart swell in love. I shifted Sapphire on my left hip and circled my arm around Adrianna's waist and picked her up and swirled both her and Sapphire in the air twirling them round the room in laughter and happiness. They were both giggling and Adrianna was trying to get out of my iron clad grip to be put down so I eventually relented and put her down but kept Sapphire.

"Your such a goofball little wolf" she jested and then planted a sweet soft kiss on my lips making me hum in delight. Sapphire had other ideas though when she let out a big

"Ewwwwwww, you guys. Mommy let me down now" she squealed.

I let her down and broke the kiss reluctantly but with a chuckle at my daughters disgusted tone. Adrianna let out a little laugh too and my heart soared with love at the sound.

"I am so incredibly happy you guys are here, I was so sad when I woke up and realised I wouldn't get to see you Saph and I wouldn't be able to reach you Ade from the pit of the coliseum." I said and quickly kissed Adrianna on the lips while Sapphire was distracted by jumping on the bed.

She hummed in delight and looked into my soul with those deep emerald eyes of hers that turned my insides to mush. She then smiled that pearly white smile which always caused butterflies in my stomach to fly about furiously

"Well, we need tell a little girl something because people keep congratulating me making someone a very confused little girl and that same little girl is also extremely inquisitive and likes to ask a lot of questions which I have very nearly slipped up on." Adrianna said smiling proudly of our smart little child detective.

"I know your talking about meeee" Sapphire sang as she jumped up and down on the bed.

"See, she needs to stop going to school because she's already too smart" Adrianna playfully pouted.

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