Chapter 15 - The Demands

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Adrianna's POV

KIT!!! Steven just screamed out my probable soul mates name to the rebel! He had to be mistaken because I saw her dead body!! I saw it with my own eyes. The steel was still lodged in her heart! She was dead, she is buried beneath my wild flowers in the garden to represent her wild nature. This is crazy, Steven must be mistaken but I see him hugging the life out of her as if they were siblings. In fact looking at them now they share the exact same facial features. Different hair and eyes, but facial features, stance and fighting technique were almost exact but Phoenix had incredible speed that her brother couldn't match and her size and mass belied the intense controlled strength she had. She was better trained, that much was obvious. The way she fought her brother and my guards had captured my attention before knowing what I now know, she was so graceful and fluid but lethal and deadly at the same time.
I saw William beaming away at being right, and being the sensitive soul he was even had a few tears in his eye from the brother and sister reunion he had orchestrated. I should have believed him, but I couldn't. It was far too painful to think my long lost possible soul mate was in fact alive and kicking.
I looked down at her, taking in her true beauty and I was right all those years ago, she did in fact turn out to be a stunning creature. Her adorable firecracker nature had captured me when I first saw her as a child, but now she was a women she was even more enchanting and still a firecracker.... That was a fact she made known to the whole castle upon her arrival.

I suddenly noticed her brother look up at us and saw Phoenix do the same, she closed her violet eyes and when she opened them my heart completely constricted and I loudly gasped putting my hand to my mouth. I could feel my eyes start to glow as I felt so many different emotions at once from shock, to confusion, to hurt, to longing, to excitement, to want and finally i went back to shock when our gazes met. Those beautiful light blue azure eyes that had haunted me for the last 16 years were staring back at me sparkling in hope and unease. That look suddenly changed to a fierce defiance when she looked over my family and I went back into my head.
I couldn't move a muscle. I was too much in shock that my heart was beating a tattoo in my chest at seeing the little girl I was fell for and was inconsolable after she died.  All the jigsaws that William had mentioned were fitting into place, Steven had fairy powers so of course his sister would too. Edward had convinced me he had fairy powers because he came back to life or some crap and I believed it. So the story about a half wolf/ half fairy were true, I had heard whispers but passed it off as a myth since their was never ever living proof..... Well of course their wasn't. The wolf fairy was married to the King of the wolves, he would have done everything possible to protect his wife because if the vampires knew it was true they would have surely killed her. It also explains how Matty couldn't catch her, even with his VIP soldiers on hand.
God, all the signs were there! William knew, he was so perceptive but rather than read the clues like he did I would rather believe a bullshit story Matty came up with than deal with the pain of thinking my soul mate was actually alive all these years. How could I miss the hints of her true identity, like her wolf being the biggest wolf in recorded history, the unfounded hatred of Jasmine and Edward, her always hiding her true eye colour because that would have been the only way I would have been able to tell who she really was.
Jesus Christ even my heart was trying to tell me, I mean the way I felt when I first saw her. She extracted more feelings  and emotions out of me in those few seconds she let me stroke her wolf than Jasmine has done our whole marriage. I was beginning to day dream about what I would say when I met her when Matty who was also stunned suddenly appeared in front of me and was shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Adrianna stop her, she's going to kill Kit and Steven." He said in severe panic.

That immediately got my attention and I noticed my little wolf (bloody hell I am already calling her mine when she most definitely isn't) and her brother being surrounded by 1,000's of my soldiers. I then heard the word that turned my blood cold.

Queen vs Queen (girlxgirl) Lesbian storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora