Chapter 18 - Come to mama Sapphire!

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Adrianna's POV

I was devastated, truly madly deeply devastated. Not only had I put the most kind hearted beautiful creature through a glass window but she had also witnessed me and Jasmine having sex. If the pain I was feeling was any indication of how she felt then I bet she would have rather gone through 100 glass windows than seeing that. I still had no idea how it came about, I mean one second I was having a glass of champagne with Jas the next I was a wild animal ripping her clothes off. I had no control of my body and it scared me because I have always been in control of myself and my urges. Something  was off about that whole situation but right now my only focus was Kit still oozing blood from all the cuts and unconscious. I called that bloody fairy 5 minutes ago, where the fuck was she. I continued to stroke Kits face begging her to hang in there, I called Marta because fairies are natural healers and I wasn't gonna let Kylia come anywhere near what's mine. I had managed to slow the bleeding down but the big shard of glass in her shoulder still bled out quite quickly. I wanted to pull it out but I knew if I did then she would most likely die of blood loss as it would come pouring out.

"I'm here, I'm here, what's the emer... Oh my Jesus Christ what happened to my darling granddaughter." Marta said startled by the bloody mess that was Kit.

"Please just heal her, she is losing too much blood." I said distraught.

"She's needs to heal herself but can't with all this glass in her. I need blood, I need about 3 bags an an IV kit." She commanded.

I nodded to William who had brought Marta to me and off he sped and back 10 seconds later with 4 bags of blood and the IV Kit. He looked just as scared as Marta as he was slowly building up a relationship with Kit and he was a naturally caring person so I knew this worried him. Marta took it all and attached a needle and IV line from Kits arm to a blood bag hanging upside down.

"What I'm about to do is remove all this glass at once, if you do it one at a time it will cause her more pain and you cannot guarantee you could get all the little shards. This will be painful and she will scream and try to turn her body so I need you two to hold her down as she is stronger than either of you. She will lose blood but the blood bags will replenish and her wolf will heal the cuts so don't panic when more blood seeps out okay?" She said calmly and both me and Will nodded obediently.

She held her hand above Kits back and I saw all the glass pull itself out of her body slowly causing her writhe around and scream but me and Will held her down with all our might and I realised I had only seen the tip of the iceberg of her strength. I thought the fairy Queen was exaggerating regarding the wolf queens strength but I saw now she wasn't. My brother was struggling and I was only just about holding her down as all the glass shards were making they way from her back and levitating just under the queen fairies hand. When the big piece stabbing her shoulder came out both Will and I nearly lost control that another guard had to help us hold her down as she was screaming bloody murder and trying to thrash around until it had finally slid out. Her body then relaxed and the fairy had used her powers using all the floating glass pieces and the glass on the balcony and put it back into the balcony door making it look brand new as if Kit hadn't gone flying through it. Although I was amazed I kept my face neutral. She then put her hand over Kits forehead and a blue light glowed from hand and into Kit. Will and I lifted up as we felt her body fully relax and I realised the fairy queen had put her to sleep. I dismissed the guard and said to Marta what I knew Will was thinking too.

"Why didn't you put her to sleep when we were taking the glass shards out?"

"Since she is part fairy too my magic can't work to its fullest on her, the pain was too great so she would have woken up. Fairies cannot use their magic against one another unless said fairy has gone bad or gone rogue. I have only been able to put her in a light sleep. She will wake up when her wounds are healed. I will bandage up her back to stem the blood flow, once her wolf is strong enough and the blood bags have gone in her body she will heal but considering her power I'm sure she will wake up in an hour. It won't take her long to heal I'm sure, now tell me why my niece was thrown through a window." She said glaring at me knowingly.

Queen vs Queen (girlxgirl) Lesbian storiesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora