Chapter 36 - Survival

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Kits POV

I woke up with a start when i felt the crate hit some kind of ground. My vision was a little blurry and my senses were slowly returning. I felt extremely groggy and my head was slightly fuzzy from the drugs. I looked around and noticed i was still in the crate which annoyed me until i heard some mechanical sounds and realised the wall of the crate was moving upwards. I stepped back readying myself for an attack until light burst into my vision causing me to close my eyes and shield them from too much light after spending my time in a crate which was pitch black. My eyes began to slowly adjust to the light and what i saw in front of me made me gasp in surprise and awe. I was in the most colorful and beautiful rainforest I had ever seen with birds flying around and butterfly's landing on luscious green leaves. It was truly beautiful until I heard a huge cannon go off signaling something I wasn't sure of. Well, Let the games begin i thought with a fierceness and strength i knew i possessed in abundance.

I stepped out of the crate in caution, allowing my senses to get used to the new environment. The closest I had come to a tropical rainforest were the tropical parts of Hawaii and they were all beautiful especially when the sun peaked through trees creating this gold light that made the forest look magical. However this rainforest was set in nighttime and the only light came from a fake moon and fireflies dancing around the forest. It didn't bother me too much since I could see in the dark anyway so my eyesight was impeccable regardless of this dimly lit place. I felt a buzz on my wrist and looked at my watch to see a boys face flashing until a red X covered it. It went away and left the number 98 as well as the time on it. I guessed that boy had died and our watches were letting us and the millions watching know it. I felt sad that a boy that looked 18, though he was vamp so no telling his actual age, had to die so vampires could derive some sick bloodlust over his death.
I decided not to stress over this vile matter and get my game face on because I knew I would be the primary target for the vampires to kill. I needed to hide my true self because once they knew I was in the games with them, they would all band together to kill me and I am good but killing 97 vampires at once would be extremely difficult and may end my life, fighting them all individually though would be a piece of cake. I went back to the crate and grabbed my helmet and fixed it over my face so all they would know about me is that I was a women. The forest was extremely humid and I was sweating buckets already. All this gear I had on was made to look designer and edgy so people would buy it as fashion. It was not at all practical for these conditions so I stripped off down to my Kevlar top and spandex pants. I also took off the helmet because despite disguising who I was I could barely breath with it on. I needed to make another mask from my surroundings and luckily Amber had shown me how to do that in our training. I knew I would be a target so she showed me how to make a mask from tree leaves and bark. Though they would need to cover themselves with mud to disguise their scent, I wouldn't need to because I can turn off my scent at will though if I was going to hide in a tree I would need mud to camouflage myself  from the vampires. First thing first though, I needed to cool down and my first port of call was to rid myself of this ridiculous but bad ass outfit.
I leant down and ripped the spandex off my legs up to my upper thighs turning them into spandex shorts. I felt better already and sighed in relief once those were off. The rest was easy I just discarded it all away leaving me in my spandex sports bra. It may be very little clothing and I am sure Adrianna would not be pleased about the whole world seeing most of my body but in this case I think it was a reasonable argument considering the heat of this place. My Abs were glistening in sweat already as well as the waterfall of sweat going down my back. I put the Hendrix stones in my sports bra to keep them safe and went to find some cold water to cool my body off in. I listened out for rushing water and about 3 miles away I heard some. I took off running carefully listening out for any signs of life until I got there. The only thing I felt was my watch buzzing a few times signifying more deaths. I reached a massive pond the length of three football fields and a waterfall rushing into it. I looked to watch to see the number 88 now on my screen which made me slightly sad.
I put it to the back my mind and waded into the water till it reached my waist and splashed all over my body cooling me down significantly. I sighed in relief until I saw a ripple occur about ten feet in front of me. I felt the water shift slightly and backed out of the water slowly and carefully till I reached the edge. I breathed a sigh of relief until the biggest crocodile I had ever witnessed leap out at an alarming speed which had I been any ordinary creature would have been fatal but I managed to jump back 5 feet in the nick of time before his jaws snapped me in half. I stared at the crocodile angrily snapping its jaws at me and stood my ground. I stared fiercely at him and he stared back with an evil glint in its reptilian eye.
We both stood still still for a good 5 minutes glaring fire at one another until the crocodile gave me a toothy grin and turned back to the large lake type pond and disappeared underneath the black looking lake. I did a little dance at my awesome glaring skills doing some childish mid air kicks in glee until I heard the splash of the water behind me and I felt a chill travel down my spine.

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