Chapter 31 - Dont Cry for Me Hawaii

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Kits POV

"HAPPY ENGAGEMENT BITCHES" I screamed in glee satisfied at the shocked look on Catori's face. After I screamed that out the whole place went into a deadly silence. The music had even gone off. I could literally hear someone's watch ticking. It was starting to get uncomfortable so I hopped out the cake and walked to Catori, stopping 3 feet in front of her unsure what was going on through her head.

"Wow, I Errrr thought the reaction would have been a bit Louder." I said nervously.

Catori finally moved and put her hand up to her mouth and shook her head a few times and checked to see if I was still there. I think she was trying to work out if I was real. When she realised I was tears rolled down her face like a river and she sprung into my arms like a child would when seeing there mother for the first time.
I held onto her tightly rubbing her back up and down since her crying had gone from silent tears to loud uncontrollable sobs onto my neck wetting it there and down my shoulder but I didn't care, I just held her tighter to me as I started to cry as well. I hadn't realised how much I had missed my sister and best friend till this moment now. It was a good 2 minutes when I smelt Cory, Cody, Dakota, Trent, Wentworth and the rest of my family join in on the family hug including Cory and Cody's children aka my Cousins.

"Oh my god.....I can't believe your......really here. I missed you..... So much" Catori said through tears and hiccups.

"I wouldn't miss your big day sister, your my best friend and sister after all. I love you to bits and I am so happy you are going to marry your mate." I spoke through tears running down my face.

She finally pulled back and cupped my face "man, I missed your ugly mug." She said chuckling making me laugh.

"Girl please, you know I'm the most gorgeous thing this island has ever seen." I said in mock pride.

"Excuuuuuse you Phoenix, I believe I am the most gorgeous girl on this island, after all I'm marrying the second hottest girl on the island that my father owns" I heard Dakota yell out in giggles.

"Well well well Dakota, I guess you can be the hottest on the island and I will have to settle being the hottest on this planet" I said laughing and putting Catori down to hug Dakota. It felt different, no more sparks, only the feeling of comfort and warmth. I was nervous how she would react to me but I was pleasantly surprised I felt comfortable, like how I felt when I hugged Catori.

"Glad to see your ego never deflated" she laughed punching my shoulder.

"Someone is a powerful wolf, that may have even left a bruise. CATORI, your girlfriend is beating me" I shouted in jest.

"Shut up you wimp" she laughed and punched me in the same spot slightly hurting but it passed within a second.

"Ow, wow you guys are abusive! You deserve each other" I giggled out causing them to look at each other in the most passionate and loving gaze I had ever seen on either of there faces. They truly did love each other. It was magical and made me miss Adrianna.

Catori then hugged me again which I gladly took and hugged her back harder. I had missed her so much and it pleased me greatly that she had missed me too.

"How long have I got you" she mumbled sadly in my shoulder.

"3 hours sis, I am sorry but I have to go back but you, my mother and the rest of you deserve a proper goodbye." I said equally as sad but trying to sound hopeful.

"It's not a goodbye, it's a see you later because I refuse to lose you and besides your the Queen. You have no chance of losing, I trust you will win." She said still mumbling.

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