Chapter 9 - Gotcha

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I was humming to myself in the shower merrily because I got my happy ending with a new slave girl I acquired after the other girl I was with a few months back when Edward interrupted me lost her appeal to me.
I could have gone on longer but her little body could only take so many orgasms before she passed out. Although humans were my favourite lovers the downside was they couldn't last as long as other mythical creatures. Their stamina could not match mine but I do love having power over them, it made sex for me that much better when I knew all the control was mine.
I turned the shower off and stepped out grabbing my white fluffy towel and tied it round me tightly. I wiped the mirror checking out my reflection. My deep light green eyes staring back at me. My long thick eyelashes framing them perfectly. My dark eyebrows perfectly plucked within an inch of their life. My pale Ivory skin clear of any sort of blemish or mark and sharp high cheekbones making my face look like it was sculpted by an artist. I knew I was extremely beautiful thanks to the good genes in my family and the fact I was a vampire. I had never met an ugly vampire, it was just in our nature to be wildly attractive I guess. I shrugged at the thought and dried my hair till it was poker straight and shiny. I went into my chambers from my en suite bathroom and walked into my walk in wardrobe to pick an outfit to wear. I decided on wearing some white skinny jeans and paired it with a tight red silk Versace blouse. I slipped on my black loboutins with the red painted sole and shrugged on a black Armani jacket with silk lapels. I did a twirl checking myself out, pleased with the results and left towards my office. My brother had come up with loads of ideas to identify the rebels but none of them ever came to fruition. The rebels had attacked some more facilities in America and some in other countries. Although I knew there was other groups of rebels attacking different countries, the ones we had always left a mark behind to let us know it was them. They were taunting us and it was now a serious problem because other Kings and Queens were getting on my case which put immense pressure on me and my family. However, it was months after I called a meeting when Matty said he had a idea and this time he was convinced this new idea was the best yet so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Once I was in the office and sat in my seat, I picked up the phone and one by one called Matty, William, Edward, Jasmine and my mother Rosie to my meeting room. After about 5 minutes all of them had entered the room lightly chatting with each other while Matty got his speech ready.

"So Wifey, why are we all here? You get tired of fucking you newest maid and decide to maybe... I don't know... rule your kingdom?" Jasmine said spitefully making me grit my teeth.

"Jasmine, it's out of respect and curtesy I invited you to this meeting to discuss our biggest problem with the rebels, so don't make me regret this decision and kick your vile ass out!" I said coldly

"Adrianna, stop for gods sake, I hate when you speak to your wife that way with such disrespect. She's your wife so she is staying. Your father would be so disappointed and disgusted to see how horrible you treat her when you can see she clearly loves you, though God knows why. The kingdom demands two strong royals whose love knows no bounds. The fact you think it's okay to treat her like that makes me upset that I have not taught you well. My mother said strongly.

I was deeply hurt at what my mother said regarding my father but before I could truly think on it Jasmine interrupted my thought process and replied to my mother as politely as she could

". You know since your husband died in that horrific battle with the wolves that Adrianna hasn't been the same. Our love never grew from there. So you can't fix something that was never there." She said trying to stick up for me and explain why I was a bitch.

"I agree with Jasmine apart from the fact where she thinks I don't love her. Jasmine... I know I have been distant and cold since the death of my father (when she murdered kit more like it my brain said). I do have feelings for you but there's something blocking me from falling in love with you." I said truthfully. I did have feelings for Jasmine but I let what happened to Kit block them. The fact everyone was in the room right now was annoying because me and Jasmine needed to sort this out alone.
It's taken my mother saying how disappointed my father would be in me because of how iv treated her to make me finally see the error of my ways as my mother has never got involved in my marriage before so for her to do that speaks volumes.
Jasmine had tried everything to get me to love her in the beginning like she loved me. But I totally ignored her attempts until she eventually gave up which I couldn't blame her for. She didn't deserve the way I froze her out and slept with countless maids. My father would be disappointed in me which made my heart ache because I always had his praise and pride growing up. I decided as of now I would do whatever it took to get Jasmine to love me again and I would do my best to forget about Kit and love her back. She was now my priority as iv sacrificed enough for someone who's dead. I was gonna devote all my mind and heart to someone who's alive and deserving. I was gonna let my heart go free and love my wife.

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