Chapter 19 - Its Time to Pick my Champions

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Adrianna's POV

"Jesus Christ Ryker, this is amazing, definitely the best arena I have ever seen." I said astounded at my chief arena designers ingenuity and creative intelligence.

"Thank you thank you, yes I'm amazing, yes you should bow down to me but I had help from my minions in creating it. These arenas take a year to build and of course the witches help us too." She said gleefully.

"Well I'm impressed and as Queen of America that is no easy feat. I love the rainforest arena, it's never been done, the first 10 games are going to be extraordinary in this setting." I said still amazed at Rykers imagination. The first ten games didn't bring up much revenue in ticket sales with spectators so we switched it to pay to watch on box office. Those sales sky rocketed and brought in much more money than ticket sales so we figured instead of placing our fighters in a gladiator arena, place them in a different setting entirely, we have had a desert setting, cave setting, forest setting, castle setting and so on. The rest of the games are held in the gladiator arena with people watching from the stands because those ticket sales always sold out in under 10 minutes and put on box office as well. The games bring in up to 10 billion dollars each year since it's played on television in every country in the world bar the smaller islands who don't get the coverage or refuse to watch it.

"Well I took a year long trip to Brazil before I got this job and the rainforest there was beautiful so I based the rainforest off that, and also I'm a huge Hunger games fan and the second film had a sick rainforest theme. So that's where I got inspiration from. I have also expanded the arena, rather than a 50 mile radius, I have built it with a 100 mile radius to make the matches last longer" she said preening herself which made me chuckle.

"Jennifer Lawrence is hot, I'm so happy someone changed her to a vampire. She is even hotter now and it would be too bad if she died. She gets better and better in each movie she's in. Anyway back to the arena, good thinking on making it bigger, people pay a lot of money to watch them so it should be made longer as well as the fact it's this years 1,000th games." I said still thinking about Jennifer Lawrence. Although beautiful, she doesn't hold a candle to Kit. I smiled unconsciously then thinking about my soul mate, God every time I say it in my head my heart beats faster.

"Thinking of your wife huh? You have that love sick grin on your face, a look I have to say I have never ever seen on your face. I only know it cause it's how I look when I see my hubby Hunter. How is he doing as one of your VIP soldiers. A job which he adores by the way."

"Sure, and he's doing great as always" I said airily. He like all the VIP soldiers love the sunscreen the witches created to protect them from the sun. It's nice seeing vamps not burning in the sun and more jobs created for vampire soldiers to work the night shift while my best work in the day with the sunscreen. Speaking of, did you get the box I sent to you?" I asked curiously.

"Yes I did. Thank you, I felt very honoured considering you can only receive this stuff if you get the Queens of the U.S.A's say so. Why is that?" She asked inquisitively.

"I wouldn't want the wrong people to get hold of it plus it would make the wolves jobs redundant. They are the protectors of the vampires who hire or own them so I don't want them to lose that job and not be able to support their families or themselves. That's how crime rates rise and violence breeds." I said strongly.

"Smart and beautiful, your quite the package my Queen." She said cheekily before moving onto a subject I had been expecting. "You know, there's rumours flying round that you have the risen from the dead Wolf Queen residing in your castle causing all kinds of ruckus and competing in the games. Can you shed a light on that?" She asked in false disinterest.

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