Chapter 10 - Hits Like A Little Girl

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I began to slowly come around but with finally awakening came the biggest headache I have ever had. I groaned out load and opened my eyes hazily to be met with darkness leading me to believe I was blindfolded. I felt the heavy vibrations of a van and surmised I was inside one with a few vampire soldiers with me, I smelt 5 vamps in the van with me and went to say something till I realised that I was gagged as well with bad tasting cloth, their scent reminded me to turn mine off but I was relieved to find I already had before I was booted in the face.
These guys had also handcuffed me with metal handcuffs behind my back which confused me because surely they would know I could pull these apart easily. My feet weren't cuffed or tied.... More fool them I smiled happily but then a thought hit me.... They don't know I'm a wolf, why else would they use regular cuffs. These cuffs were different though, I slightly pulled and felt the metal stretch so I knew for sure I could easily break them. I tried to use my telekinesis to remove the gag and the blindfold and felt a sharp pain in my wrists which nearly made me cry out but I bit my lip to keep it in.
The jigsaw pieces finally fit together, they saw me teleport and are using cuffs specialised in holding fairies. They thought I was a full fairy which made me smile, I now had a huge advantage because they didn't know I was actually a pure wolf with fairy powers included thanks to my mothers side.

"What you smiling at you filthy fairy." A gruff voice shouted followed by a back hand to my face forcing my head to snap to the side violently knocking the gag off in the process.

"Jesus, you treat all your guests like that. Your blood sucker mother not teach you any manners?" I croaked back in amusement at whoever hit me.

I felt a punch to the gut making me inwardly groan at the force of the blow. I coughed a bit and was about to retort another remark when I felt the van stop violently jerking my body to the side. I heard the van doors open and I was forced to stand up.

"I can't wait to see what the Queens decide for your punishment, shame we couldn't get another one of your friends cause I sure am thirsty, I wouldn't mind drinking their pathetic bodies blood." He laughed out cruelly but stupidly because he gave away where he was which was unfortunate for him because he happened to be right in front of me.

"Whatever you say fuckface, oh and watch your step" I said laughing and with that I thrust out a high kick with my right leg hitting him square in the chest with such power I heard him shout and hit the dirt with a loud thud.

"Are you determined to be killed or do you just naturally like to antagonise vampires?" I heard that familiar voice belonging to the Vampire Prince.

"Ahh Matthew, what a pleasure. Would you mind dreadfully in finding a bonfire and jumping in it? that would really make my day." I replied sweetly.

To my surprise he chuckles "bring her out, my sister loves a good laugh, maybe that humour of yours will keep you alive. Queen Adrianna and Queen Jasmine are waiting in the throne room for you so boys take her through." He ordered.

I felt my body being constantly pushed repeatedly out of the van and forward. But I couldn't care right now because I was annoyed at my heart for jumping at the mere sound of Adrianna's name. I wondered if she would recognise  me. I mean my tan was now a golden bronze and when I was a kid it was just a little tanned. My hair was a more honey blond whereas it was bleach blond as a kid. My facial structure and body had obviously changed with age so I was fairly positive she wouldn't recognise me especially since she thought I was dead and when stop you looking for someone you don't generally see them. The only thing that worried me was my eyes, they were distinct and unlike anyone else's. A very light blue azure colour that changed to dark cobalt blue when I'm turned on. You could change everything thing about yourself but your eye colour always remains the same. So naturally I started to freak out until I remembered bringing to the surface my fairy and wolf I could change my eye colour to glowing silver from my fairy side mixed with flecks of violet from my wolfs, so I tapped into the power lightly so the cuffs wouldn't shock me again and I felt my eyes change naturally to a more beautiful and unique colour. She would hopefully not recognise me now, but somewhere in my heart I really wanted her to. With each step I took my anxiety was rising as I knew I was being pushed towards her.
All of a sudden I was pushed so roughly I went through a set of doors and fell forward sharply and landing straight of my side cracking a few ribs making me groan out loud in pain. I was still blindfolded and the cuffs were still binding my hands behind my back so I couldn't break my fall. I could feel my wolf trying to claw herself to the surface out of anger and my eyes were going from the mixed colour to just a bright violet. My wolf wanted to rip those guards to pieces for hurting me until I smelt the scent of wild roses invade my nostrils making her switch from rage to excitement. I could feel the happiness radiate from her when she smelt a potential mate so close. My ribs had now healed and I pacified my wolf for now bringing back my fairy emotions and with that the glowing silvery eyes with violet shades mixed in.

Queen vs Queen (girlxgirl) Lesbian storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora