Chapter 21 - Love Conquers All

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Kits POV

It had been a turbulent few days and sitting a top of Joey with my daughter in front of me talking animatedly about her first day of school was highly relaxing. I had tried to see Adrianna and talk to her about having found my dads best friend and Cody's and Cory's dad Wentworth in her prison but she had been so busy since I had formed my pack. She had sent out a broadcast by doing a press conference to say that the wolves have reformed the Loki pack so they could be stronger and faster to aid the vampires in dealing with the Hunters and the growing threat they are becoming. About 80 per cent of the vampires in the U.S.A already had good relations with the wolves so it wasn't that big a reaction however there was still that 20 per cent that were in uproar. I knew Adrianna had to go visit the places where the vampires were most upset by this and it would be a month while she was away which sucked. Penny told me she was going tomorrow so I had to talk to her about it after I put Sapphire to bed or else I would miss her. I also wanted to say goodbye, I would highly miss her, I had grown so attached to her and seeing her beautiful face everyday that I would feel lost without her. I loved her so much and it was killing me knowing I wouldn't see her, I almost regretted forming my pack which forced her to go away for a month in the first place. I shook my head because the more I thought about it the more upset I got.

Sapphire kept rambling on about how cool this school was, that she got to paint, the food was better, her friends were like her and more awesome. She loved the teacher and she got to play different games at recess. She kept laughing over the twins and their antics, telling me tales of their escapades which made me laugh. I loved her story telling, it was so wild while her hands flailing all over and her crazy cute facial expressions. I felt at peace right now which is what I needed before the craziness began. Tomorrow I was visiting Wentworth and then flying to another prison to recruit my first member of my wolves team for the games.

The sun had set now and I had just finished watching Toy story with Sapphire. She really loved that film too. In fact every movie we watched before bed she loved except for War Horse which was still her favourite along with Frozen. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead making sure she was all safe and warm before wishing her good night. I turned on her night light and made sure her teddy bear wolf Ade got her was tucked in tightly under her arm. She eventually she fell into a deep sleep. Her little body rising and falling between breaths which made me smile and be thankful for my little girl. I soundlessly shut the door and mind linked Penny to come to my room to listen out for Sapphire in case she had a nightmare while I was talking to Adrianna. Having a mind link made things so much easier for me to ask favours I thought.
Penny arrived shortly after and I thanked her as she sat on my bed and cracked open a book. I laughed at her inner geek before leaving to head towards Adrianna's chambers. In her room alone would be a risk because my wolf was hard to control around her. She just wanted to rip her off her clothes and mark her, as did I but I had to see her before she left. I arrived to her doors and knocked softly.

"Come in little wolf" she cooed from the other side making me chuckle.

So in I walked to see the sexiest women on by planet earth in a sexy black gown type sleepwear with a slit in the side showing off her creamy flesh.

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