Chapter 40 - Saved by my Queen

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Adrianna's POV

"Serena, kill the wolf Queen now and then you win" the Russian King screamed in utter delight.

I was still struggling to get out of the chair when I heard that Russian idiots scream to his contender that I started to thrash even more erratically around in the god damn chair that the Witch Queen spelled me to (under Kits orders, no doubt) to stop me interfering which I had tried to do on several occasions now. However, this time it was paramount I intervene now considering Kit was currently bleeding out dying with each drop of blood leaving her battered body. I could feel a ring of fire form around my glowing emerald eyes displaying the stage of rage I was currently in and faced the Queen head on who gasped when she saw the murderous look on my face which inwardly made me smirk but outwardly I remained enraged. I spoke in a very low tone filled with acid

"Eva, I know this is your way of getting back into Kits good books but if she is dead then it will be for nothing and when I am free of this chair ,which I will eventually be, your head will be the first ripped from your body followed swiftly by your whole family and coven who will meet there deaths in the most gruesome way possible. So free me from this chair now.... or you die, friend or not." I said finishing with a sinister smile as I let my fangs grow to add emphasis to my words.

Her face visibly blanched and she smiled back weakly and said as sweetly as she could

"Of course Adrianna, I promised Kit till the end of the games and it is now over so I kept my promise" and she waved her hands in the air whispering a chant and I suddenly felt the chair rattle until she put her hand down.

I immediately got up to find I was free and looked to the Queen and said viciously

"Next time do not listen to Kit, I am the Queen you are allied with and not her. You pull a stunt like this again and I will kill you especially if it means my mates life is in danger. Your alliance means nothing to me when it comes to Kit. She is my future and my love, there is no comparison between my love for her or my alliance to you. Remember that." I said glaring at her one final time before turning to my brother William

"Get Kylia now and onto that arena to carry Kit to safety, I have a feeling the Kings men are blocking her to getting into the Arena to help her. Matty help William and take a few guards with you" I ordered in my Queen tone. They both flit away immediately and I wasted no time jumping down into the arena and in front of Kit protecting her from a worried and relieved looking Succubus which confused me slightly. I disregarded my feelings and bent low over Kit and said "You take another step and I kill you where you stand, and you know you are no match for me Serena so either leave the arena or die.

She looked to the King and shrugged as if she had no choice and held her hands up in defeat as she backed away and sauntered out of the ring as if she was happy about my arrival to save my mate. I smirked and turned to the King who looked at me in rage for destroying his little plan for killing my mate..... Again.

He stood proudly and slightly shaking in rage as he spoke over the arena with a microphone though I don't know why, we were all supernatural here and the arena was silent so if he whispered we were still going to hear his nasally vile tone.

"Adrianna, Adri...." He couldn't finish my name again because I interrupted and bellowed out

"QUEEN OF AMERICA ADRIANNA ISABELLLA MAYA HUNTINGTON TO YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" And to my surprise the whole arena erupted in cheers and claps, even the wolves as they stamped their feet in joy at me belittling Kits enemy. "Only my friends and family call me Adrianna and you are neither nor will you ever be." I screamed at him.

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