Chapter 39 - Round 2... Fight Part 2

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Kits POV

His heart was slowing down with every beat and I knew he had a matter of seconds to live. The blood was pouring from him and so I bit hard into my wrist and was about to put my arm through the bar when I picked up Adrianna's whispering voice with my super hearing

"Don't do it Kit, he is going to die. You need to let him, his role in the games is too ensure your survival not the other way around. He will need too much of your blood and you will be greatly weakened if you give him your life blood as well as starve one of our unborn children. You need to be 100% to fight in this round because if not you will die. Let him go Kit, please I beg of you, don't give him all your blood." She pleaded but my mind was made up and I bit again harshly into my healed wrist.

I pushed my arm through the bars which burned like hell but ignored the pain and stuck my wrist into his mouth so the blood gushed down his throat. I needed him to drink and swallow it though because it was only sliding down his throat slowly.

"Hannibal, Hannibal if you can hear me, you need to drink this to survive. Think of William, he is your mate right. Survive, for him, me and my daughter Sapphire. You love her and she loves you too, we all do so drink Hannibal." I pleaded.

Amber stood off crying her eyes out, worried about her new favourite warrior. She kneeled down and also encouraged him to drink but he was non responsive though that elite blood that he had swallowed seemed to take a little effect when his blood stopped pouring out as if the wound was cauterised. He needed more so I had a stroke of genius as I felt him moan out and said loudly to penetrate the fog in his mind

"Bloody hell Hannibal, isn't this the best bloody BANANA milkshake you have ever tasted. It tastes so bananary and warm. Yummy, you gotta try it" I finished in excitement.

Suddenly I felt his mouth move and he was starting to suck my wrists blood. He began slowly swallowing at first and then he elongated his teeth and bit harshly into my wrist making me wince but happy he was swallowing my blood like no tomorrow. I saw the skin where his throat was slit heal slowly. His top was non existent so I could see his other wounds start to heal over his chest and stomach making me silently rejoice. He then grabbed my wrist and sucked harder with some serious force. He had taken about 2 and a half pints of my blood now and I could feel the strength of his grip on my wrist get stronger so I knew he had enough of my blood so I wretched my arm from his mouth and held it to my chest to try and stem the blood flow till my healing abilities kicked in.
I looked to him and his wounds were still healing I knew he would need more blood to replenish the amount he lost but he looked better now his wounds had nearly fully healed so much so that he stood up very shakily but with Ambers help he made it up and the crowd let out an ear splitting round of applause and screaming.
Finally the guards made it in to the arena and carried Hannibal off on a stretcher and Amber got sat in a wheelchair and wheeled off. I knew Hannibal was going to survive but I still wanted updates on his condition but I knew in my heart that William would make sure he got the best possible healthcare available to him so he would be fine. Amber would also keep him company and probably request a bed in his room so she could also look after him. They would be flown back to the fancy medical centre and I would hopefully see them later.
I looked to my wrist to see it had healed but blood was all over my arm and in my hand drying onto my skin. I suddenly felt sick and dizzy till I fell to the floor. I lost too much blood but i didn't regret my decision at all. I leant against the wall trying to use it to Stand but I just couldn't summon the strength. I looked through the poisonous bars to see the second round had begun and guards were viciously killing and toying with 6 contenders in the colosseum grounds. I could feel myself going in and out of conscious, trying desperately to keep focus but failing.
My head lolled forward until I heard my cell door open and the amazing mouthwatering smell of wild roses invaded my nostrils making my blood pump faster and my heart hammer against my chest in glee. I turned my head to find the most majestic creature approach me and a lop sided lazy grin crossed my face at the beauty before me. She looked at me with a 'what am I going to do with you face'. I still smiled at her as she picked me up and put me on the high bed so I reached eye level to her and she palmed my sweaty pale face.

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