Chapter 32 - Fit to be Queen

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Kits POV

It's been exactly 3 weeks since mine and Adrianna's argument about Sapphires living conditions once I am entered into the games. I spoke to Penny about my issue and she put things into perspective for me. She asked me how I would feel if Adrianna took Sapphire off me because she thought I couldn't take care and protect my own child. Needless to say I was infuriated at the mere thought of anyone taking her from me thinking I wouldn't or couldn't protect her. So I understood why Adrianna had reacted so angry and upset. I would have reacted with the same outrage.

My issue since I had seen her side was I couldn't see her. She avoided me at all costs and went as far to remove my handprint from her office security which used to allow me into her office. I could have easily kicked down the door but I figured that would only enrage her further so decided against that course of action leaving me brooding and moody which I took out when training with my warriors. I had caused a lot of their bruises on their bodies when fighting against them but it made them tougher.
Adrianna would pick up and drop off Sapphire at school so she didn't have to suffer my stupidity. She understood her mummy was mad at her mommy but didn't say anything about it which was wise on her part. I tried to talk to Adrianna repeatedly but she was being incredibly stubborn and always managed to expertly evade me each chance I had to talk to her making me get less sorry and more angry with her childishness. I was brought out of my thoughts when Amber clicked her fingers in front of my face. It was our last ever training session today so we had started earlier than normal and were finishing later than usual. We were going over everything that I had taught them in combat both attacking and defending as well as how to wield a bow and arrow. We also going over everything Amber had taught us about surviving, weapons and how to utilise whatever environment we will be thrown in.

"Hey, are you listening!? You also need to know how to make a weapon in harsh unstable conditions ya know." She said seriously with a hand on her hip.

"Yes Amber, I know thanks to you. Now we have done with your lessons you guys only have one task left. This task i set you has to be completed even if it takes all night. The task is that I will fight each one of you one on one and you have to at least once get me on my back." I stated in a challenge like tone.

"Well that's not bloody fair" Hannibal roared "Jet has already had you on you back with your legs open" he said pouting.

I was literally dumb founded at his disrespectful yet very true comment. Jet was trying her hardest to stifle the laughter that desperately wanted out. Amber was wide eyed and slack jawed at his boldness and Marcus had gone ten shades of red. I didn't know whether to punch him into next week or laugh a little.

"What did I say? Oh bloody hell, iv got blood on one of my trainers. These are my favourite pair as well since I drew rainbows on the side. Kit, will this blood wash out?" He asked so oblivious to all of our reactions to his last comment.

"Who the fuck gives a shit about your trainers, you just broadcast my sexual affairs to everyone, I don't know whether to option A beat the shit out of you or option B burn your rainbow coloured sneakers with you still in them." I growled out.

"Hmmm tough choice, I am going to choose option C where you don't beat me unconscious and my shoes stay unburnt and on my feet." He said like it was no big deal. Jet now couldn't hold her laughter and was full on belly laughing. Unfortunately her laugh was that infectious it had Marcus and Amber letting out giggles too.

I ran my hands over my face in despair. The whole point I wanted to do this task in the first place was to raise their confidence. It they fought me and I let them get me on the floor, (but not being obvious about it) they really would believe they could beat me which would make them see they could beat anyone. They pin me, the most powerful creature in the world then they believe in their hearts that no creature is a match for them.

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