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"With this fruit, I'll become the most
powerful warrior this universe has ever seen. And every living creature will come
to know the name Turles as their ruler. From this point on, nothing can stop me.
Not even Kakarot. So, stay down!! It's useless to try and fight against me. We both know that."

Li clenched her eyes shut, her whole body was trembling.

"Now woman, if you want to live you must
kneel and beg forgiveness. I'll consider doing the same to Kakarot."

"I... I don't know any Kakarot. If you're referring to Goku... then that's... not his name.."

"Don't you lie to me."

"His name is Goku! Goku! And I will never give up!"

"Then die here! When are you going to get it? I can't be beat. If Kakarot were smarter... He would have just followed orders and destroyed this puny planet from the beginning."

Li remained still, unable to move as she stood meters away from Turles inside the tree where the fruit reside in.

'Li, you have to keep fighting.'


'Please, your our only hope.'

'Piccolo. Yamcha. I don't know how to feel... What should I do? Giving up is never an option I will ever resort to!'

'Please Li, remember us.

'We're your friends.'

'We're with you, Li.'


'We are with you.'

' Li, I know you can do it.'

'Gohan. I can't quit.'

"Must... Move.." She took a step forward.

"Oh... Back for more." Turles glared at her. She took another step forward. "My pleasure."

'Li, listen to us!'

'He's strong.'

'But he's not unbeatable.'

'Nothing is.'

'You can do this.'



'You can defeat him. You hold something stronger than him!'

'But, he's- I don't know... He's different than the enemies we've faced.'

'You may not know it Li, but you have a much greater chance than any of us right now. You can do it!'

"Right! I - must - go - on - for - Goku and the others. I just can't let them down. I'll get the strength. I have to!"

"BRING IT ON! Soon earth will be at my mercy and there will be no one left to stop me."

"And, thank you, Turles."

"Huh? It can't be."

"TAKE THIS TURLES! A GIFT FROM ALL OF US!" Li cringed as she pushed her strength and ki all out of her hands and into a large ki blast straight towards him.

"And now we're finished." Turles laughed as he easily countered it with his own.


Turles delivered his own punch to her, it brought her to collapse into the ground. Turles walked away from her, until he felt a strong grip on his ankle.



"Huh? Again! How did this happen?"

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