Soldiers of the Wasteland

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In the Future.... Going by the Manga and a bit from the movie...

🎵Burning fires, burning lives on the long distant roads🎵

"Hyaaahhh!!!" Yelled Tulece as he sparred with his older sister. "Pulse Drive!!!!"

"Ki Reciprocate Ribbon!!!" Celes held a tight grip on her brother and slammed his down. "That's not enough, Tulece." She crossed her arms and stared down on him as he panted and held himself in pain.

"N...nghh.. I'm trying!!"

Celes sighed and wheeled across where Tulece curled himself. She dropped down and pat him on the shoulder.

 She dropped down and pat him on the shoulder

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"I know. And I'm proud of you, little brother. But you must stay strong."

"Then... Why do you still not hold back on me...?"

"Because those monsters won't." She said gesturing to herself.

'Right... Those monsters left my older sister unable to walk.' Tulece gritted his teeth. 'I wonder how Gohan and Trunks are doing in their training?'

🎵Through the lost mountains endless so far away from home🎵

"You've improved a lot, Trunks." Gohan smiled. As he and Trunks took a break from training on a mountain. "In a few more months, you might over take me."

"If the senzu beans hadn't died out, you could've healed up ages ago. You and Ms. Celes."

"Yeah. It was inevitable that the senzu beans would die out.... At least she and I made it out alive..."

"My Mom says that you look so much like your Dad in that Gi that it startled her!" Trunks grinned.

"That's why I wear it! I hope I can be as strong as my Dad before he passed away."

"Is that why Tulece wears his Dad's colors along with his Mom's white pattern like Celes said?"


"Damn it! It's a city!!"

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"Damn it! It's a city!!"

"The Androids are at it again."

🎵Crossing battles, savage seas towards the mountains high🎵

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