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"Li!!!" Gohan smiled wide. He flew up to her and threw himself into her open arms. "I missed you!"

"Hey, Gohan. How is your training with Piccolo? Did he act mean?" She playfully glared at him. Piccolo just scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Well, I can tell you all have improved a lot. Especially the half Saiyan child." Li looked back at him.

"Son Gohan, the son of Kakarot." Turles looked at him and pat his head. "You've improved greatly, boy."

"Thank you, Mr. Turles."

"Turles. I was surprised that you haven't betrayed us yet." Piccolo sneered. "And you haven't killed any humans yet."

"Don't have time for humans-"


"I don't kill humans. I protect them and this world."

"Great save!" Gohan laughed.

"Turles, spar with me. Li, take Gohan and spar with him."

"Right! Come on, Gohan." Gohan nodded and followed her as the flew to a more empty place to not bother their match.

Piccolo was the first to move. Turles dodged his punch effectively and held his arm slamming Piccolo into the ground. Piccolo grunted and picked himself right back up.

"TATSULBLUKEN!" Turles brought his leg up and swung straight at Piccolo. Piccolo coughed up a small portion of blood from his mouth and took note that Turles would be more difficult than he originally was, with everyone's moves mixed with his own, Piccolo could only par against so much, but he didn't give up.

[A/N:Think of this fight as the filler episode when Piccolo spars himself. Only this time Turles is the winner. He is powerful so it's natural that he'd over power Piccolo.]

"You did fairly well against me, Piccolo. I'd say even better than the other time."

"Please. I can tell that you're still wearing your weighted clothing. You're handicapped."

"Oh no. You caught me." Turles made a lopsided smile as he brought his hands up in a surrender pose. "But, I'm not sorry."

Piccolo let out an amused huff. Turles was a weird one to him, but not as much as Son Goku is. He can't find anyone to compare Goku when it came to strength. Piccolo knows that what Goku is currently doing is what's going to lead them all into a garuntee victory.

Li and Gohan made it back to them. She was carrying Gohan as he napped in her arms.

"How did your sparing go, darling?" Turles smirked. Piccolo was mouth a gaped. He pointed his finger to him, to her, and back to him. He didn't understand how Saiyans love. First Goku married a woman he hasn't seen in years and Turles is in a relationship with the woman who defeated him. Love itself is awfully confusing.

"We didn't spar. Gohan and I went on talking about how his mother is doing. I only told him what I knew so far. He eventually fell asleep. Piccolo, he needs his nap times! They are important for a growing boy." She rocked Gohan.

"Li, I'm the one training him, so I decide what's good for him."

She glared at him and just babied Gohan more. She walked towards Piccolo and did a leg swing from below making him fall on his bum. She smirked and walked away in victory.

"Turles, that woman is crazy." Piccolo cringed a he got up from the ground.

"I know. And I love it!" Turles laughed. "Say. Lend a friend a hand and make me that cape, too?"

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