Fighters alike!

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Turles was getting extremely impatient. He's been waiting in the room for five minutes already.

"How could they be so naive to trust me? I practically almost killed everyone...even her."

He was confused. He laid down and took his time thinking... What would he have even accomplished with that much power anyway. Even if he were to have risen to the top, what else is there?

"They're all training for power, too. Why was my method wrong?... Right. It could've killed this planet."

He looked around and looked at the room curiously. It wasn't the normal infirmary room he was used to.

A knock was heard disrupting his thoughts.

"Oh! I didn't mean to startle you, young man." Nurse Irene smiled. "Are you hungry?"

"I am, human."

"Oh? You're not from around here?"


"Well. I won't bother you anymore. You are the first man Li has finally brought back. Our whole staff that's been there for the Li family and we have been waiting for this day. You're our special guest."

"I am special, aren't I?" He smirked.

She laughed and brought him a tray of food.

"Eat up. I don't know your favorite food, so I'll just give you Li's. Please take care of our Li. She means so much to us." She softly said as she walked out.

"Hm. Li. She has a family? She's human, so it'd make sense." He grabbed the pork and stuffed it in his mouth. "This is great!"

Turles dig straight into his food like it was the last meal he'll ever have.

"I see you have quite the appitite, Turles." Li laughed as he looked back at her with food still in his mouth. "That's also my favorite food. Of course it would be great."

"Well. I'm not sharing."

"No need."

"I'm still hungry. This human food is the best in the universe, but it's not enough to fill my stomach."

"This might." She tossed him a senzu bean.

"A seed?"

"A holy senzu bean. Eat it. It will heal, fill, and help you regain your stamina."

Turles shrugs and eats it fast. His eyes bulgded as he stood up swiftly.

"What the hell?!!"

"Interesting, right? My Master has a whole supply of it. Maybe you'll meet him one day."

"It is interesting. You humans seem to have a lot of history and... Connections with Saiyans."

"Well. That's what I need to ask you about." Li instantly turned serious and sat on the hospital bed.

"Introduce yourself once more."

"Turles. A surviving Saiyan. I was a lower class Saiyan. Alike Kakarot."

"His name is Son Goku."

"I'll just call him Kakarot."

She just shrugged and continued to listen.

"I once worked with an evil emperor named Frieza. But I had enough of him and yearned for great power. It's in my Saiyan blood to yearn for power after all."

"Saiyans... Do they all look like you?"

"We're strangers like you. But with greater greed for power and transformation."

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