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"Will my Dad make it, Mr. Turles?"

"No doubt."

"Gohan. I'm guessing my mother is with the Namekians, right? But, I can't sense her anywhere. Where is she?"

Gohan's eyes shot right up.


"Gohan. Take Celes with you as you find the human woman."

"Okay. Where are you going?"

"Just some extra precautions. I'm going back to the ship."

"Alright... Please be okay."

" promises."

Flashback end:

"Sh-She was back in Dad's ship with Mr. Piccolo! But, he's here with us! I-I don't know!"

"Damn it!! Why is it that my family finds themselves to sacrifice their own beings?!!!" Li cried. Turles sighed and held her.

He thought back at how she died and desperately tried to get Frieza to not kill Krillin. She was willing to die for Krillin.

"It must run hard then."

"It's ridiculous. Willing to sacrifice yourself for others? Don't make me laugh."

She approached Vegeta with a distrustful look.

"What? Here to tell me I'm right?"

"You'll eat those words, Vegeta." She punched him square at the face. "You call yourself a Prince. That title belongs to a man of nobility, pride, and pure hearted power!"

Vegeta scowled and punched her back. They were both fighting, but Turles stepped in.

"Don't waste yourself on him, Li." Turles said, she sighed and walked away from them. "And Vegeta, be a man and see just how much of a dumbass you are to say that.

"Oh?! I'm the dumbass?! I'm speaking the truth! You should understand that!"

Everyone jumped a bit, they were surprised to see large stone orbs set themselves on the ground.

"The Namekian dragon balls followed us here in Earth." Guru spoke up. "Little of my life remains now. Muri[Namekian Elder]... When I pass, you will become the holder of the Dragon Balls. Use them well..."

"Yes sir." Muri kneeled down.

"Find a new place where our people can live in peace forever..."

"Great Elder..... Rest in Peace."

Guru vanished from the world and died with a smile.

"Where is Goku and Krillin?" Bulma asked Turles. "I thought you'd be fighting with Goku."

"He sought to fight Frieza alone."

"He's fighting Frieza alone?!!" Piccolo was absolutely shocked to hear that.

"He wanted to... Because of Krillin." Gohan said head down.

"The Namekian dragon balls can bring him back as many times. As long as it wasn't a natural death." Dende spoke up reassuring Gohan.

"Yes!!! We can bring him, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu back to life!!"

"Is Goku insane?!!"

"Exactly what I was thinking. We'd make quick work of him in Frieza's final form with two super Saiyans, but he insisted he would do it himself."

"Wh-What?!! T-Two- You mean you're a Super Saiyan?!!!" Vegeta screamed at him. "Wh-What the hell!!!"

"What's got your widow's peak wrinkled?" Turles smirked at Vegeta.

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