Guess who's back? Back again.

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Three hours were painfully slow. Turles fell asleep after five minutes waiting.

"It's time. We've been stood up. Three hours wasted. Another traitor and he's a coward."

"He's not a coward!"

"Then where is he? Why isn't he coming?"

"Finally!! It's pain time. Too bad Kakarot isn't here to see this." Nappa crackled.

"Li, if it weren't for Turles here you'd be already killing that Nappa." Piccolo squinted his eyes at him.

"We'll do what we can. We're very limited to what we can do right now."

"Except Turles. Why haven't you-"

"Turles! You haven't fought?!" Li was absolutely infuriated with him. "Then what the hell were you doing all this time?!"

"Messing with them and keeping the others from dying. Tienshinhan is still alive. Chiaotzu and Yamcha died an honorable death."

"I am grateful that you did that. Wait! Chiaotzu died?! Again?! But he can't be revived again! Oh no! And Yamcha?!"

"It was terrible to watch." Tienshinhan's lip quivered.

"Then we'll beat this Saiyan with all we've got!"
"There!!!" Goku grinned. He swiftly made his appearance and was escorted back to Earth by Kami.

"Goku! Here! Take the last two senzu beans!" Korin tossed the two at him.

"Thanks! I needed these!"

"We're counting on you!"
"Okay! Here goes!" Krillin was the first to attack.

"Eager for death are you?!"

Krillin planted his hand onto the ground and sent his ki blast into the ground confusing Nappa. Piccolo came from behind and gripped Nappa's tail. Gohan was next, but Nappa just laughed and elbowed Piccolo.

"We'll ask you again about the Dragon Balls."

"What fools! They think they can protect themselves against such a weakness?"

Turles appeared from Infront of Nappa.



"Ki Reciprocate Ribbon!!!" The rainbow trendrils spiraled around Nappa's body.

"Pulse Drive!" Turles released his Ki blast attack from his palm.

Nappa was pushed back and coughed out some blood. Turles smirked. Krillin knew what he had to do next. He raised his arm up and created his powerful move. Nappa won't be able to dodge so easily now.


Nappa was going to let it hit, but Vegeta's orders to dodge it told him to move. Nappa tugged on the ki ribbon and pulled hard on it making Li fall back.

"Use your head, idiot!" Vegeta scolded Nappa.

Nappa had a deep cut on his cheek. His body held burn marks from the ki ribbon and mostly Turles's Pulse Drive.

Gohan ran towards Nappa with his ki in his hand, but Nappa's beam pushed him and Krillin back. Piccolo ki blasted Nappa from behind.

"Ha ha ha ha!!! You struggling there, Nappa?! And you, Turles, look how pathetic you are breeding with a human woman!"

Turles was about to make a remark, but Li beat him to it. "You shut your tiny ass up!" She stood up.

Vegeta just laughed at her. "You dare insult me, peasant? I've killed annoying being like you and destroyed their planets."

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