The Saiyan Trinity VS Frieza

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"Thanks, Goku."

Goku nodded in acknowledgement as they all got to each other's sides ready to fight.
"Get out of here!! All of you!" Piccolo yelled. "We're just collateral damage!"

They all nodded.

Krillin held onto Dende while Chicory held Celes.

"Gohan!! Hurry!!"


As they all flew away, Celes woke up and looked at her parents and Goku fight Frieza.
Goku was the first to strike. Frieza easily blocked him, but cursed when he had to move back quick. Turles and Li we're on his tail, too.

"SOLAR FLARE!!!" Goku called out. It blinded all of them, but Li still went ahead and did multiple hits on Frieza.

"I'm on him, Goku!! Ready the Kamehameha!!"


"I will not be easily tricked by you monkey's!!!"

Frieza shot a ki blast at Goku. Goku grunted as he held it back. It pushed him back, but he was able to walk off with only a few burns on him.

Turles struck Frieza from behind with a Pulse Drive, but Frieza's tail reflected it away.

"We can't keep relying on blind attacks."

Frieza recovered his vision and stepped back from the three of them.

"You all are surprisingly strong. Especially you." Frieza said referring to Goku. "I didn't expect anyone to surpass even Ginyu. Pity you can't beat me."

"Maybe. But you never know."

"There's three of us. Strength comes in numbers, Frieza." Li spoke up.

"Where's the other-?"

"Behind you." Turles moved his leg, but Frieza dodged, but ran straight into Li's bottom kick. Her kick launched Frieza straight up towards Goku. Goku sent a gush of power. It moved Frieza down.

"Fuck!" Turles was becoming extremely impatient with Frieza.

"He got out of his Kiai!!" Li watched as Frieza kicked Goku straight into the water.

"Li... If it comes to desperate measures...."

"Then we must do it."

They both nodded. Their tails unraveling from their waists.

Frieza stared down at them with a taunting grin, but moved back when 'Goku' shot straight up.

"It's not him!"

"This one!" Frieza shot his hand towards 'him'. "No?!!"

Goku had appeared above him. He slammed him straight down.

"It worked!" Goku grinned. "Did you guys see that?!!"

They both did a thumbs up and joined his side.

"That didn't do much."

"But it sure got him feeling excited."

Frieza brought his hands up and lifted a boulder towards their direction.

"Oh!! This must be what they call psychic power!" Goku commented.

"Don't get too distracted, Kakarot-"

"You fell for it, fools!!!" Frieza charged a beam towards them.

"SOLAR FLARE!!!" Li appeared Infront of them.

Frieza blindly shot the ki blast. It hit Goku, but it didn't do much to him.

"I swear. It's like you all forget just how useful the Solar Flare is."

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