The Old Switcheroo

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"You both have power beyond mine. Especially you." Ginyu diverted his attention to Goku. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

"What's so funny?"

"He's finally realized he's no match, Kakarot. Especially with you. Heh."

"That's right! This is Captain Ginyu!" Jeice sneered.

"Jeice. Hold my scouter." Jeice obligated and held it. He laughed, but it was stopped by Turles.

"What is he planning, Cheese breath." Turles held him in a choke hold.

"Nhggh!! S-See for ya self! H-Heh heh!!"

"Why the hell is he hurting himself? Is that bastard really that out of it?!"

"J-Just watch!"


"That just looks disgusting

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"That just looks disgusting." Turles tossed Jeice aside and flew towards Goku.

"Kakarot, what are you doing just standing there? Kill Ginyu already."


"No!!! Turles!!! I'm Goku!!"

"Nice try, Ginyu. You're not really the brightest now. I'll make quick and easy work out of you." Turles brought his hand up. "With a Pulse Drive."

"No!!! Listen to me!! It's me and I can prove it!!!"

"Oh? You hear that, Kakarot?"

"Heh! I do. I suggest you kill him now."

"Indeed." Turles laughed and released his Pulse Drive.

"Turles! What the hell!!"

"You're the real dumbass, Ginyu. As if Kakarot would actually let me kill you. He's full of mercy. I suggest you change back to your own ugly mug and die."

"Well. I guess we'll have to test this new body of mine now, huh? Jeice, my scouter."

"Yes, Captain!" Jeice tossed Ginyu his scouter. He places it in his head and turns it on. "You've got impressive battle power. More than what my body has. But now that I'm in Kakarot's body I'm even better now."

"We'll see about that."
"Sorry, but we need the Dragon Radar now, Bulma!" Krillin and Gohan scrambled to find the Dragon Radar."

"Are you kidding me?!! You guys leave me all alone!! A pretty girl like me shouldn't be left alone unattended!!! All you guys have been doing is playing around!!!"

"Playing around...?"

"I found it!!! Let's go, Krillin!"

"Goku, Turles, and even Li and her baby are here! And get this! Li was actually a Saiyan herself all along!"

"What?!! H-How is that even possible?!"

"We gotta go!! See you, Bulma!!!"

"Wow. Goku, Turles, and Li became our savior trinity... And all I had was Yamcha, who's supposed to be my boyfriend.... Chichi... Did I blow it?"
"Krillin!! There!! A spaceship!!" Gohan pointed at Frieza's ship.

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