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"What's he doing?"

"He's making a fake moon. He's planning to transform."

"Transform?! Into what?!"

"Do you not know of how can transform into mighty Oozaru, the great ape, with just a full glimpse of the moon?!"

"No..." Goku paused.

'Does that mean.... Oh no! I'm sorry Grandpa!!!' Goku clenched his eyes. 'It was me who killed you ..!'

"Well then. You don't need to know anymore. You don't have a tail and Gohan is a far distance safe and away from here."

Turles scrunched his nose. Vegeta had stood in all his glory as an Oozaru. Both Goku and. Turles swiftly flew towards him with their ki all charged up.

Vegeta, in his Oozaru form, he held a firm grip on Turles. Turles yelled in agony. He may be strong, but the power of an Oozaru was too much. Turles was debating on whether or not to transform, but he made his decision as fast as it occurred. Transforming to defeat an enemy was the coward way to fight for him.

"Turles!" Goku clenched his fists and his whole body was bulging. "KAIŌ-KEN... TIMES THREE!!!"
"Goku's power level is growing increasing huge!!!" Bulma gasped as she stood up holding the scouter that Raditz had previously owned. "Aaaghh!!!"

It broke. The power was too much for it to handle.

"Quiet down!! Li!! Speak to me!!!"

"How can I when your crushing me s-so hard!" She choked out.


"Gohan, how could you allow yourself to be put into danger! You're only four years old! Gohan." Chichi cried as she kneeled down hugging Gohan. "I could've lost you like I almost lost my beloved husband and cousin. You're all too precious to me."


"Chichi, we appreciate your concern... But *Cough* you need to understand that we're going to get one way or the other."

"You, young lady!" Chichi marched up to her. "You claim that Turles wasn't your boyfriend and here you are! Six months pregnant and injured! How could I understand?! I don't want to see you all fight with your lives at steak! It's t-too much for me, a retired fighter to understand."

Bulma patted Chichi's back as she wept. Chichi appreciate the small gesture and thanked her.

"Chichi, your husband is on a whole other level. He's always held power beyond what any of us could ever imagine for anyone to have. Goku, he's out hope for this world. And with our friend, Turles, we could get an even greater advantage. I could've died... along with Chiaotzu, Yamcha, and Piccolo." Tienshinhan admitted.

"I don't like this one bit. Why can't...why can't we all just go back to the way it used to be?"

"Because. If we were to stay small, then we could never extend our potential. Chichi, think of Gohan. He's not normal and he will never be normal. Neither you or he can change that, but you can embrace it. You're what keeps the Son family together. You want what's best for Gohan and you love Goku dearly." Li placed her hand son her shoulders.

Chichi smiled. Gohan nodded and hugged her tight. Chichi felt so appreciated.

[A/N: As she should be. Smh.]

All of them stood up and were trembling. They were all shocked by the amount of powerful ki that radiated from a far distance away from them.

"Things might get ugly." Li chewed her thumbnail. "I need to go back. They need help!"

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