Our Trinity has arrived!

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"Ten more minutes and we'll be there." Goku calmly said. "Why do I feel so calm?"

"Training in high gravity and the thrill of a fight, Kakarot." Turles smirked.

"We should be careful. Especially me... I was only only able to train for a short time with you both." Li stretched her back. "Child labor was no easy task."

"You were practically crushing Turles's hand! He was crying by it too! Heh!"

"It hurt! Okay, Kakarot! Besides. You were crying about snakes the other day."

"They don't have any arms." Goku sniffled.

"Say, Kakarot. How about a game of rock-papper-scissors? It's a bet. Whoever wins gets to show off first."

"You're on!"

"Are you two serious?! At least let me on the bet!!"

"Are you two serious?! At least let me on the bet!!"-------

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Krillin and Gohan were left to deal with Guldo. Not that much progress was made in the fight. But the match was able to reveal Guldo's ability to stop time and telekinesis. But like all thing....

It must come to an end

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It must come to an end.

Krillin and Gohan were taken aback by Vegeta's brutality.

"You know. You didn't have to end it that quickly, Prince."

"I don't see you helping, woman- What?! You're a Saiyan! You should be able to fight!"

"I'm not much of a fighter anymore. I am now only a medic. There's not much I can do."

"I never thought we'd be saved by you!" Krillin gestured to Vegeta.

"You think I'd ever save you pieces of trash?!!!"

"Yo! Yo! Yo! They just killed Guldo!" Jeice pointed at Guldo's remains of ashes.

"What a tragedy." Burter swayed his head.

"Hey! Without all five of us the special group pose won't be as cool. We'll have to have Captain Ginyu make up a new pose now." Recoom added.

"We gotta decide who kills the little guy!"

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