Saiyan Legacy!

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"I should've gone with them! Damn it!"

"Tien. Dear, you've done as much as you could do against the Saiyans. That's already great enough. I know for sure that Chiaotzu is glad that you're alive."

"You're right. There isn't much for me to do even if I went to Namek with them." Tienshinhan sighed. "Thanks, Lunch."

Lunch smiled. ACHOO!!! Lunch squinted her eyes and grinned up at Tienshinhan.

"Now check on your son, you baby. He's already been sad too with Chiaotzu not around. Chiaotzu is coming back to life, so don't fret much."

"Trey. I wonder how Li would be taking care of her baby at space?"

"That pretty weird to think. We'll see Leech and her annoying boyfriend soon, too. And when they get back. Leech better keep her word about having a drink at the bar together."

"Heh. You guys sure are best buddies."

"Who else would be my drinking buddy? Bulma is the person to just drink alcohol with juice in it. Leech and I would be chugging beer, take shots, and gulped down whiskey like real women! Ha ha ha ha ha!! ACHOOO!!!!"

"Bless you."

"Thank you, dear!"

"My granddaughter... I never could've thought..."

Chicory tensed when she heard the cries of an infant.

She took gentle steps towards the bedroom and saw her there.


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"Celes." Chicory was careful and held Celes in her arms.

Her tears ceased as she snuggled onto Chicory's warmth.

"I will protect you with my life."
"D-Did Dad just beat him...?" Gohan looked bewildered at Goku's easy work on Recoome.

"N-No way!!! Even if he caught him off guard he was able to beat him with one strike! Not even Vegeta could do that!"

"Curse have him!!" Vegeta scowled by the mere sight of Goku's stance. "How could he have done this?!"

"Take that as a warning and scurry off."

Jeice and Burter only laugh in response. They both nod and went straight to attack the two.

"Say, Kakarot. Red or blue? You choose."

"You shouldn't underestimate the GINYU Force-"

"Red!" Goku replied as he socked Jeice at the face.

"Gah!!! You fool!!"

"You shouldn't-"

"Blue!" Turles punched Burter's face.

Both Jeice and Burter we're left clutching their faces in pain.

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