The Arrival

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As Li trained in her backyard. Gohan stayed over to train as well.

"Transform!!" She yelled at her hair turned into the beautiful gold color with small traces of rose gold.

"You're getting better in your Super Saiyan transformation, Li." Gohan commented.

"Thank you, Gohan."


Li and Gohan rushed to Celes.

"What is it, Celes?" Gohan asked as he crouched down and picked her up.

"Hungwy." Celes pointed to her mouth.

"I suppose I should make lunch. What would you two like?"

"Ample saucey!!" Celes chanted.

"Alright. Apple sauce for the little lady. And you, Gohan?"

"Anything is fine, Li."

"Alright then. Mind watching her as I make lunch?"

"No problem." Gohan smiled. "Right, baby cousin?"

A knock was heard.

"Gohan. Could you get the door please?" Li called from the kitchen as she chopped meat.

Gohan nodded and went straight to the door with Celes flying behind him. As he opened the door he was surprised to see Turles back so soon.

"Gohan? Hey, kid." Turles ruffles his head.

"Hi, Mr. Turles!"

"Papa!!" Celes tackled Turles to the ground with a hug.

"Celes. You learned how to fly? Good girl!"

"Turles...?" Li walked out of the kitchen with a surprised face. "Turles!!"

"And to the ground again. Ha ha ha! You guys really can't get enough of me, huh?"

She nodded with tears in her eyes as she nuzzled into him more.

"Li. You've gotten stronger?"

She nodded once more. As she helped him up and held Celes in her arms. She turned Super Saiyan.

"Amazing... Wait! Did someone die?!"

"No! No! No one died!"

"Only the forest sadly." Gohan mumbled as he recalled all of them replanting seedlings the whole day after the defeat of Cooler.

"Thank goodness."

"You got here early."

"Vegeta couldn't take training with me much longer. The bastard decided to stay in Capsule Corp with Bloomers and use a gravity room instead"

"Wouldn't he want to use gravity braces like me?"

"Nevermind him, Li. How about lunch? I'm hungry."

"Alright. But I'm going to invite the other's, too."
"Thank you for inviting me, Li!" Ox-King smiled as he ate and fed Celes her apple sauce.

"Of course, Uncle Ox-King! You're family."

"Yeah, Dad. And it's about time you got here, Turles." Chichi glared at Turles. "You can't leave Li and Celes alone to fend themselves!"

"Right." He shifted back a bit.

"It's fine, Mom. Li was able to fight and defeat Frieza's brother, Cooler."

"What?!" Turles choked on the fork he was eating with. Once he coughed it out he looked at Li with wide eyes. "You defeated Cooler?"

"Yeah. That's how I unlocked Super Saiyan transformation."

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