Day of the Tournament!! Goku's back!!!

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"Is Goku really coming?" Bulma second guessed.

"Of course he is!" Gohan grinned.

"I can't wait!!" Goten was ecstatic to finally meet his father.

"It's been ages since we've last seen Goku!" Ox-King smiled wide as he sat right by Chichi.

"I bet dad won't recognize you." Gohan nudged Krillin.

"Ha ha! Probably not." Krillin chuckled.

"By the way, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta. Could we go without being Super Saiyans in the tournament?"

"Why should we?" Vegeta grunted.

"Think about it. You were on TV during the Cell games. They might recognize you. And if you turned Super Saiyan they'd know instantly." Bulma reasoned with her husband.

"Yeah. Then media would start mounding us." Gohan added.

"Fine. Whatever. If nobody's Super Saiyan, we'll all be on equal terms. I'll still have the upper hand-- Wait. Where are Lettice and her offsprings, and that damn bastard."

"Li and Celes stayed at the hospital to wait for Turles and Tulece's return from space."


"Hey, Trunks. Do you think Tulece is also a Super Saiyan?" Goten asked him.

"Dad says it's harder for real Saiyans to turn into a Super Saiyan so no." Trunks shrugged.


Li and Celes smiled as they watched a training pod land on the roof top of Li Hospital.

"We're back." Turles smirked in his Super Saiyan form with a sleeping Tulece in his arms.

"Welcome back, Turles." Li softened as she went ahead and kissed Tulece's forehead.

"Little Saiyan got sleepy on our way home."

"Hey, dad." Celes smirked as she went to strike him.

"My daughter is ready to fight now, huh? Makes me proud--- What the hell?!?!!" Turles gave Tulece to Li and inspected his daughter.

"What happened to your tail?!?"

"A little accident." Celes shrugged. She eventually got over it. Plus Videl cut her hair to make them on equal grounds.

"It's fine, Turles. Celes has actually gotten stronger since the last time you were here."

"Really? Want to have a little one on one, Celes?"

"Yes!!" She smirked.

"Not right now. We've got a tournament to participate in."

"Mom?" Tulece woke up.

"Hello, Tulece. Welcome home."

"Huh? You're really considering to fight, Li?" He rose a brow.

"Mom needed a little convincing from me." Celes pointed to herself.

"We gotta get going or else we'll miss Goku's return from the afterlife."

"Huh. The bastard really is coming back."
"Say, you never told me how you had your tail removed."

"A... Friend had pulled it out by accident."

"A HUMAN BOYFRIEND?!" Turles hardened his gaze.

"Huh? I didn't know Tray was back." Tulece rose a brow.

"Eh?? What does he--"


"Turles, it wasn't Tray. It was her new friend Videl Satan."

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