Frieza Transforms!!! Vegeta Dies!!

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"H-He's overpowering Frieza!"

Krillin and Gohan were cheering on Piccolo while Vegeta clenched his fists.

"He holds power that you envy, Prince Vegeta. We all can't be powerful, but we can be strong." She turned his attention towards the fight. She smiled, but it soon dropped once Frieza tossed Piccolo aside and hovered above him.

"H-He was just messing with him!"

Piccolo only spit a small amount of blood from his mouth and stood up, removing his headwear and cape.

"I'm just getting serious." Piccolo focused his Ki. "NOW FEEL THE PAIN OF THE HUNDRED NAMEKIANS YOU MURDERED!!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!! You fools still don't understand. You don't know much about my transformations."


"Are you starting to feel afraid? My power increases hugely everytime I transform. And I have two more transformations left. Now do you understand?"

"V-Vegeta, he's wrong, R-Right?" Gohan asked Vegeta, whow as trembling. "Ch-Chicory-"

Chicory fell to the ground and hurled. The fear that hit her stomach was too much.


Piccolo grunted and flew away from Frieza to have some distance, but Frieza caught on faster

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Piccolo grunted and flew away from Frieza to have some distance, but Frieza caught on faster.

"You're fast." Frieza struck Piccolo down with ease. "But not fast enough."

"STOP THAT!!!!" Gohan screamed as he flew straight at Frieza.

"D-Damn it!!!" Krillin went to assist Gohan, but Vegeta held him back.

"Prince Vegeta! What do you-"

"I need you and him to injure me as much as you can! Enough to make a fatal wound!"

"You plan to power yourself up by beating the power out of you?!! You're insane-- Ah!!!"

All of them were sent back by Gohan's blast impact on Frieza.

Frieza sent one back at him, but it was deflected away from Gohan.

"Thank you, Mr. Piccolo!!"

"H-He's a Saiyan!!! That explains the power! B-But-" Frieza turned towards Chicory and glared heavy on her. "You must've procreated with Raditz!! That explains the resemblance!! That should explain why this Saiyan child is here!!!"

"I've done nothing of that with another Saiyan man!" She gagged.

He appeared Infront of her. Holding her by the neck.

"Well then. I shouldn't let any Saiyans live longer. Especially a female. I'll exterminate all Saiyan blood!"

Chicory was blasting as much of her Ki blast, but they held no effect.

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