Retrievers of the Dragon Balls! THE GINYU FORCE!

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Two beings walked from inside the building.

"Nail! Chicory! You guys are safe!"

"Dende." They walked Infront of him and looked to see any injuries. "You're not hurt."

"We've been waiting for you, Dende." Nail added. "Great Elder has foretold that something has transpired."

"I thought he must know!"

Krillin looked at the person right beside Nail.

"You don't look Namekian."

"Neither do you." They looked at Krillin with narrowed eyes. "How could we know if you're with Frieza or not."

"Well I-"

"Get inside. The Great Elder will see you. He can't move due to his age. The best Chicory and I could do is protect him here."

Chicory only scoffed. They did not like the idea of allowing a stranger in.

"Great Elder, I have brought Dende and the Guest."

Krillin bowed down in respect and gasped in awe at the Great Elder's size.

"Welcome. You must be from Earth. I would like to express my gratitude for saving my child, Dende. Thank you."

"I-It was nothing...!" Krillin responded to him politely.

"Those monsters have slain nearly all of my children... The grief weights heavly on me. Poor Chicory would understand."

Chicory just looks down and nods and they tugged on their face mask.

"And it seems they seek the Dragon Balls. I've never dreamed that the spheres of hope... The orbs of wisdom and strength of the children of Namek... Would ever lead to such horror."

"U-Um allow me to come straight to the point, sir... Please let me borrow your Dragon Ball... I'll never give it up to them. I promise!"

Dende spoke up and added why Krillin would need his Dragon Ball. Stating that Earth's dragon balls will be reborn.

"What? Then that means that a Namekian..."

Krillin nodded and answered clearly about Kami and the Dragon balls getting to Earth.

"I see. You speak as if this one died of old age or was killed."

"Killed by a Saiyan called Vegeta."

"A Saiyan?! They were killed over twenty years ago! Now you're just lying through your teeth!" Chicory charged an energy beam in their hand.


"Lord Guru. Please understand my concern for all of this. I just can't find myself to trust this Earthling."

"And you have every right to, but we need all the help we can get."

"Lord Guru..."

"Chicory. Do you think this Earthling would say that the Saiyan is a Super Saiyan?"

"A what...?" Krillin raised a brow.

"No. Impossible. That's nothing but a children's fairytale. Lord Guru, there's no way that any Saiyans could have survived Frieza's genocide!"

"And here you are, Chicory."

"What!?!!" Krillin turned his head and looked at the masked person. "Y-You mean that they're a-"

Chicory sighed and removed their face mask.

"The space cat's out of the bag."


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