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•Welcome to: SKYEWARD ROLLERCOASTER! Thank you so much for reading!•

*In Editing Process!*

(Ward's POV)

There are times when your only option is to send in the rookie, during those times, it's very unlikely her S.O won't come along. This was a team of 6 with only two up for combat. There used to be only one, aka myself, and of course I could do it myself but when there's a chance to add another combat agent on, they use it. Skye wasn't ready for a combat mission.
So, correction: when you send in the rookie who says bang every single time she pulls the trigger, it's very unlikely her S.O won't come along.

May and Coulson could've been the two they sent in undercover. Standing coms would've been easy for me, and Skye could've monitored activity because monitoring doesn't take any punches to the face-or punches for that matter.
But May was a "retired" martial artist turned plane pilot, and Coulson said age was holding him back more than ever. Ward had a hard time believing either one of them was useless in the field as they claimed.
We still have no clue whether the rookie is trustworthy enough to go out on a field op like this, she could turn around any moment and with the snap of her fingers have the Rising Tide on our heels.
Which is one reason I definitely don't want to do this with her, or have her on our team. Yet, of course Coulson actually felt for her when we should've been locking her away and forgetting. Leaving the rookie behind won't-and still won't-change anything about our lives.
And also, I'm just really fucking feeling for this new girl. As her S.O it would be unprofessional to begin a romance. Especially unprofessional because she still had ties with a terrorist hacker organization. But then I saw her long hair bouncing off her back, the way she walked with confidence into a room, and the way she laughed when she pissed me off so bad.
I've been an agent trained to be heartless and to make the tough calls when no one else will. So I'll let her exist around me and I will not admit to myself these feelings I dread.
It'd just be easier to lock her up.
Second and foremost in my array of issues with this mission: we have to go to Disney World. The mission is in Disney World. The worst possible place for me to be killing people, if there ever was a right time and place.

God, I'd given Skye's progress reports out, forged a few awful progress points...left Skye hints at training that she wasn't prepared. I even tried convincing May and Coulson she wasn't prepared in person, but hell, who were they to listen to me? Just because I'm a Specialist who isn't good in the field of talking to human beings-doesn't mean I'm not a good S.O. I know what I'm talking about and Skye definitely isn't prepared, but for real, despite my everlasting secret love for her.
Rookie was good at talking to people. And throwing herself into situations she wasn't equipped for. So of course she was able to convince May and Coulson.
I just...why Disney World?
FitzSimmons encouraged Skye and I, our rookie to robot team-up on this mission, especially after Fitz and the sandwich incident (he's still angry I threw it-refuses to go on missions with me. I thought I was saving him. Went over his head I guess).
Those two always found some way to get me and Skye close enough to kiss too, especially during team bonding truth or dare, they dared me to lock myself in a closet. Then they gave Skye a dare to lock herself in this closet with me, and kiss me, or neither of us were going to be let out. I was on a plane with 12 year olds.
Those two should be the ones to talk about dating and making-out in closets- they're inseparable. I bet both of those science fanatics have daydreamed about making-out alone in a closet with one another. Not that I would know-I mean everyone has their dirty fantasies. My fantasies included less Fitz and less Simmons.

As for Skye and Disney World....well she was looking forward to going there. Or just spending some quality time with her S.O, which I sincerely doubted was the case. As I collected from what little she's said about her past, she was an orphan. Never had she experienced the vacation kids longed for their entire little three year old lives. I tried to tell her we were going there to hunt down, capture, and maybe kill Hydra agents not to eat cotton candy or ride the carousel. As usual she ignored me.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now