"A Comforting Arm" (Chapter 2)

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*In Editing Process!*

(Skye's POV)
We parked. I could hear music in the distance, and kids laughing, the sounds of mothers yelling at their kids to move along through the crowds. Even that sounded more normal, and the just jealousy was boiling up inside. I know, it was silly. It's still silly.
Kids could be annoying though, and I wouldn't want to have them with Ward...I mean it wouldn't have to be with Ward, or even kids....oh god...just, maybe. I mean, after eye-spying his body with those glasses...I just wanted him....mine. You know? This has nothing to do with kids, or Ward, just the fact someone gave me those enhanced glasses. That was a mistake.
I still have them. Day 35, nobody has found the glasses.
Off topic.
He was dreamy... and fun to tease, he got annoyed so easily and it was cute watching him try to cope. I toyed with his emotions, it was like watching a toddler take it's first steps! So, maybe I just didn't like him for his body? .......

"Skye, Skye!" He repeated my name over and over again, snapping his fingers straight up in my face.
Excuse you, mister.

I snapped back to reality, feeling the warm Florida breeze coming through the car door Ward held open for me. Also the slight annoyance of him disturbing my confusing emotions thought process, containing images of him shirtless.

"Coming, jeez you're impatient." I clambered out from the car.

"It's not like the mental patients will wait for us to kidnap kids again." He caught up with me.
I have a habit of walking away from people who are annoying me.

It would take a few minutes, maybe hours, to get to the park, because Ward had parked so frickin far away. He kept glancing impatiently at his pocket, which I assumed held his phone. Still, it was annoying the hell out of me, everything was annoying me, I mean what wouldn't when you're stuck in temperatures about 100 degrees? He finally had the courage to take it out of his pocket.

"Game of War?" I laughed, he hated me so much when I did this to him. He hated it so much, yet it amused me more so too bad for him.


"Then what are you doing, cause I'm pretty sure you're not waiting for a text from your girlfriend." I glanced over at his phone, which he didn't point away from me. If he even had a girlfriend, it obviously wasn't that. He couldn't have one anyway. Robots don't experience emotions.

"I'm looking at mission reports, stuff like that." He replied, not reacting to the girlfriend joke.

Goddammit it was getting more complicated to bug him.

"6 kids kidnapped in 5 minutes?" I snickered at the inaccuracy at it all. This wasn't Shield reports, of course not. This was like Buzzfeed or some sh*t. Some news-gossip website claiming false reports to make the entire internet go mad with hashtags and Twitter wars.
Does Ward have a Buzzfeed account? Does Shield know I have an account? Does Shield know I sometimes hack people's Twitters to start some of these fights?

"I know, news like kidnapping gets out there, then we have a problem, it's bullsh*t," He sighed stuffing the phone in his pocket.

"Hey, if I can't swear, neither can you."

"I never said that, what I said is you don't have to swear every time your knuckles crack on the punching bag." He explained.
He was staring at me oddly again.
My eyes found their way from his face, to his chest, and finally made their way to the concrete.

"Well it f**king hurts." I complained, which it did.

He tried to hide the small smile.
Oh my god, robot can smile! Do I get him some sort of award? Or should I get an award for making him smile?

"Hey, what did I just say?" He commanded.

He was teasing me! Oh my god robot, this is the first time I've seen-your quite adorable-smile!

"I recall you saying..." I began, smiling, until he interrupted.

"Shut up, and smile." He whispered into my ear, folding his arm around me.

"What?" I asked through a smile, teeth clenched uncomfortably.
I couldn't get his touch of my mind.
Like a teenage a girl and her favorite tween-crush at a meet and greet; because I'd had the pleasure of, well, observing it before.
Poor Chris Evans.

Two men passed us, dark denim jackets, undeniable tattoos covering... well... everywhere. They talked using slang only... yet the symbol on the jacket...

"Hydra." Ward sneered.


I'd heard that term going around Shield for some time, and of course Rising Tide knew what it was, but my point is why is Hydra stalking us? This wasn't even a Hydra related mission in the first place!

"It means we have to keep them off our track." He whispered back.

No, duh.

As we entered the park gates, he unwrapped his arm from me. I rubbed the spot where it had once been, feeling the warmth die away. A friendly cashier, too perky maybe, greeted us. I stood there, spacing out. Crowds boiled at popular attractions, lining up to the meet-and-greets. There were even a few couples walking and holding hands, eyeing each other. And flirting. Mostly horny teenagers, of course.
Just, why would anyone think "Disney World" a viable place to take someone out on a date?
Ward grabbed my hand, roughly pulling me away from the employee.
Way to make a great cover, Ward! (Our cover being dating...now.)

Once we stepped inside, it was like stepping into a whole new dimension.
People everywhere.
Children were cheering, balloon vendors at every corner. Seemed to innocent for the torture happening inside.

We passed Splash Mountain, picking the right time to walk by, getting splashed profusely. Ward was a great human Shield. He didn't spend any time in groaning as I laughed at him, his shirt soaked to his skin.
Apparently I spent too much time there, as I backed up from his side another wave of water came splashing down.
My hair still clung to my face, and now the humidity was really truly killing us.

Then after walking for a while, what felt like miles of endless little kids whining, cotton candy, and brightly colored Mickey Mouse themed rides, we neared the haunted mansion ride. Spooky Skeletons played in the courtyard, and the line was miles long. An ear piercing scream from a kid echoed around the park, and we both knew he wasn't just terrified from the ride. It was a Disney ride for god's sake.

"So, how do we get in...hey flash your badge, or you know, I can uh, just flash mine." I suggested. Also taking that opportunity to boast my new Shield badge.
Only a month ago I'd earned it.
Simmons and I screamed at each other jumping up and down like 12 year olds. I gave Ward a stiff teasing hug, which of course he refused to reply to.
That night might've been one of my favorites due to the team bonding Coulson and I set up.
First time I'd ever seen the team actually let loose, in a while.
Mario-Kart ended in Coulson winning, and somehow me teaching Ward how to play "Bullshit" after almost 12 defeats. At 1 in the morning. FitzSimmons had passed out, Fitz with his arms around Simmons, on the couch.I now have a specific photo file filled with blackmail of FitzSimmons.

"No, that'll rise to much attention."
He responded to my A+ badge idea.

"Of course it will." I muttered under my breath.
I. Totally. Knew. That.
Wouldn't it just be easier to tell them we were government agents investigating a case? A case which Shield didn't have anything to do with, but after weeks without a mission jumped at the case?

"We'll just have to wait, like the others." Ward sighed, taking a place in the line of endless families.

"You're no fun." I taunted in a sing-song voice.

In 45 minutes, freaking 45 minutes, we'd get inside. Enter the belly of the beast.

Second chapter!
~A Fangirl Named Izzy.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now