"Join The Hunt"

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"Where exactly are we going?" Skye whispered.
Dean stopped in his tracks, holding up one finger.
Street lamp flickering, nothing more.

"Point A," he hissed back.

Skye got to the realization that demons were a whole lot hella more annoying than terrifying.

"There's no way I'm killing all these demons," Skye shook her head at the thought.
Watching as she sliced through their necks with a knife, spirits flying out and above as an innocent towns' folk's eyes glossed over with fear.
They'd never live to know the truth.

"Hell yes we're killing them, more people will die if we don't!" Dean hissed.

"Skye, Castiel promised you-"

"I know what he promised, Ward! But, it was only if I agreed to possession of that other demon!"

"Castiel doesn't break promises," Dean chuckled, loading his gun and looking through it.

"Where exactly is point A again?"

"Towns' entrance, it'll either be blocked off, or crawling with hundreds of demons."

"Haha, fun," Skye muttered sarcastically, loading her gun with afraid shaking hands.

"We'll be fine, just shoot," Ward whispered to his wide-eyed worried girlfriend.
He was loading his own gun in worry. This was not the definition of R and R.

"What if Fitzsimmons got possessed?"

"Your friends didn't get possessed," Dean sighed,"but it wouldn't matter, because we have exorcisms."

"Well, that just makes everything-" she was but off by her own panic shooting.
In the distance there was a shadow, standing stiff and tall, lighted by the flickering lamp up-head for just a second-a second long enough for Skye to shoot.
Demons aren't annoying their f*cking creepy!

"Hey, rookie, put the gun down, it's just a mailbox," Ward chuckled, pushing her gun down slightly. Both were laughing fearfully as Dean just sighed in annoyance, watching as the couple caught their breath.
They'd never survive a day demon hunting.

"It's not really a mailbox anymore."
Dean set off along the street determined, Skye hesitating only a second, thinking whether or not this was a stupid thing to do....she'd be fine, stupid decisions did usually end im fatalities-such as death-but now they had an angel around to resurrect her!
Ward laced his fingers in her, setting down the road as she trailed behind.


"Aw, what would I do without you?" Sam teased his past girlfriend, well it was confusing...
See, he still loved her, technically they never broke up, so they could still be dating?
Jesus Christ how many exes did Bobbi have before she realized she was Jess?

"Oh, just crash and burn," she teased in reply, laughing along with Sam at the memory.
Hunter who had been rolling his eyes at them for the 1000 time, stopped dead in his tracks.
Since when the hell did Bobbi laugh like that? It sounds like a giggle! Bobbi never giggles!

"I hate this," Hunter announced as the two still stared in each other's eyes.
They were getting worse than Skye and Ward! And that was saying a lot, the two never took their damn eyes off each other, following each other everywhere!

"Hate what? Hunting?" Bobbi questioned, narrowing her eyes.

Oh sweetheart, you already know the answer.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now