"Good Morning, Sunshine"

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Author Note:
(Okay, so I'm beginning to realize I've messed up on some ideas, guilty of that. Anyway, I'm trying to fix everything, remember most of this is unedited. I've been really busy on vacation, and binge watching Supernatural to catch up before s.11. Best show besides Aos ever!! Sorry, anyway, thanks for all the reads votes and all that!😋~Izzy)

Skye woke up to the sound of a barking dog, again. She moaned, wriggling out of Ward's grasp and rolling over to her bedside table. Checking her phone, the time read 6:55 AM. She tried to roll over and drift off, but whomever's dog it was wouldn't shut up! Skye was refusing to wake up, she needed more sleep before she told off her neighbor. Were pets allowed here anyway? The dog let out a howl, and continued to whimper and bark every so often. For the love of God, it was still dark out!

"Ward," she mumbled, wacking him in the chest. He didn't budge.

"Ward I got a dog," she mumbled louder, smacking him harder. She was sure the whole "I bought a dog thing" would wake him up.

"Skye...it's been barking for like an hour....wait, you did not just go out and buy a dog," he grumbled, aggravated.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm never out and about at this hour," she grinned back.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Shut it up, they should've made these penthouses soundproof."
Angrily, Skye slammed a pillow into her face, Ward could hear her muffled groaning as the dog continued its little show for them. He took the pillow from her, putting it under his head. She fell flat onto the mattress.

"Ward I need a pillow."

"I know."

"Ward please, I can't even right now, it's like 7."

"We train earlier than 7."

"Yeah but time on the bus doesn't matter since we fly everywhere all the time!"

"I'll give you back the pillow of you promise to stop being annoying, or you can get up and get one from the closet."

"Fine, then I'm going to protest," she decided, leaning over and laying her head down on Ward's chest,"because I'll never stop annoying you."

"You are right rookie...but, I don't mind this."
Ward instantly wrapped his arm around her back. She leaned up, kissing his cheek. He kissed her on the head, feeling relaxed and drifting off. He could feel her drawing soothing circles on his chest, the last thing he felt before they both fell asleep again.


The phone was ringing. They couldn't get any sleep. The damn dog had kept them awake half the night, now the phone was ringing. The couple had gotten 4-5 hours at the most. And that wasn't even counting if they had slept through the entire hour.

"Now what the f*ck does someone want?!", Skye yelled.

Ward rolled over to get the phone, too lazy to unwrap his arm from his rookie. Skye moved slightly and Ward lost his balance. They both fell out of the bed, with a loud thud. Skye landed right on top of Ward, knocking the wind put of him.

"Now I'm awake," she sighed in a clear, non-drowsy voice, bolting upright to a sitting position. Then realizing that weird hard-lumpy thing beneath her was her boyfriend. She rolled off, landing beside him.

"Morning beautiful," she laughed.

Ward sighed as she planted kisses on his face. The phone, which had landed on him when he fell as well, was ringing off the hook. Ward's thumb finally found its way to the "accept" button.


"Rise and Shine," Coulson's voice boomed on the speaker phone.

"Hey! Morning AC!"

"Looks like someone got good sleep, where's Ward?'

"Right here sir," Ward sighed out, Skye realized he sighed a lot. Like, a lot.

"What happened? Got out on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Yeah, something like that, more like fell out," she muttered the last part under her breath.

"Well, we've tracked him," Coulson concluded.


"Tonight, the Johnsons will be attending a dance."

"Like, elegant and..,fancy...I mean, ugh nevermind...," Skye muttered.

"No, more like outdoor midnight dancing."

"Buy a beer and hit the road dancing..?"

"Skye, shut up. Okay, sir. So we find the guy and...."

"Keep your coms on, FitzSimmons will guide you through everything."

"Alright, AC, now I'm going to catch up on the sleep you interrupted."

"Ward, keep her awake."

"Yes sir," Ward smiled looking at me. Coulson hung up.

"Yeah robot, keep me awake," Skye teased, raising an eyebrow.

"My god, not that way," he chuckled, grabbing her face and locking in a kiss.
The kiss soon ended. Ward and Skye almost uttered an "I love you" to each other. That didn't happen. Ward stood to his feet, pulling Skye up alongside him.

"Let's go eat something, I'm starving."

They both showered and dressed, remembering they couldn't make anything to eat. Nothing in their...the house was stocked up with anything. Later the couple planned to go shopping. Ward was downstairs first, then Skye hopped down wearing some of Daisy Johnson's fashion. Ward was stunned by how simply beautifully she always looked.

"Ready to go Mr. Johnson?", she bit her lip.

"Whenever you are, sweetheart," Ward teased, grabbing her hand. They shared a long look, and Skye stood on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on his forehead. Damn, she's adorable, Ward thought, experiencing a warm sensation flow through him at the feeling of her kiss.

"I l-really care 'bout you," she stuttered.

"Me too."

"And you seem weird lately, like you have a secret, I mean barely standing up to the Hydra guy and all...if you need me, hey I'm here to talk to."

"I know," Ward shut the front door behind him, "We better get going, we have a lot to do before tonight.

They ended up going to another small pancake house, getting the same thing as the last time. They then drove over, pulling over at Skye's demand when she saw a small farmer's market. They got out. It was extremely hot out when you felt surrounded by sweaty people, and it smelled like gasoline, but the parks in Chicago...although they had almost the same smell, Skye couldn't help but notice how beautiful out it was. Ward wrapped his arm around her. She felt his touch, her body tensing. The new language of "boyfriend" was something she was still getting used to.

"Let's get healthy stuff here, so I can get crap at the supermarket."

"How about we get healthy stuff here, and healthy stuff at the supermarket."

"You suck the fun out of everything."

"If you're refusing to train, then eat healthy,"

"Eat healthy," Skye mimicked.

"I could get you a gym membership," he teased back.

Skye grabbed a basket, and they headed to the stands, still linked with each other.
Where was Ward when I needed him...all I want now is this life with him, Skye thought.

(Sorry this chapter is short, and it's currently really late as I publish it, and unedited, so sorry for the disappointment! I hope I find some really funny autocorrects in this later XD. Anyway, yeah can't post in a while, so I'm doing this while I can. Thank you!)

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now