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(Ward POV)
I stood over her bed, having snuck out and changed, leaving my packed bags outside her door. She looked cute sleeping, but to be honest talked a lot in her sleep. I remembered the events of last night, she would be tired. She barely woke for in time for training. We played Call of Duty well into the early morning, she had fallen asleep against me. I woke up to find her beside me, my arm wrapped around her. I almost had no heart to get up, but I had to.
Now it was 6 in the morning here, I got roughly 4 hours of sleep. She probably had up to 5 hours, problem is we'd have to leave soon. I took a deep breath, looked around, and began to wake her.

"Psst, Skye!", I lightly shook her arm.

I had accomplished in waking her, must've not been sleeping great. She groaned and turned her back to me.

"Skye! We have to...," suddenly, I had an idea. I sat on the edge of the bed, and leaned over, kissing her on the cheek.
She rolled over, a large grin on her face.

"Yeah, I'm awake."

"Good, rookie, because we got to leave in a half-hour."

"Half hour? Why not wake me up earlier?"

"Because you didn't even want to wake up now."

She launched a pillow at my face, I let it hit me and fall to the floor.

"Get your ass out of bed," I teased, grabbing the pillow and throwing it back at her. Skye gave out a laugh as I walked out of her bunk.

A few minutes later, I was assessing everything I'd bring. More of a last minute check. I heard someone come up behind me.


Dammit, it was May. I turned around, giving her a look of aggravation. We both knew what this was about.

"Keep it professional," she demanded, throwing me the keys to the car we'd be driving.
I just gave her the same look, as she walked away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Skye standing from her bunk door, unseen as May walked past. She had a faraway look in her eyes.

"Hey, rookie, ready to go?", I called over, heading toward the car.

She snapped back into reality as soon as I started talking, following me.

"Yeah," she stifled a yawn,"just wake me when we get there."
Just as she said that, we clambered into the car. Her on the passenger side again. Skye rolled down the window, waving (and yelling) one last goodbye to FitzSimmons who were standing only inches away. I gave them a head nod, although they would never see me Skye was hogging all the window space, and started the engine. The cargo opened and she rolled up her window.
The early morning sunshine was bright and blinding, but it was dark as well. I understood Skye's need to sleep...sort of. But, I had to remind myself, if I slept I would crash the car. Only a few seconds onto the road, her breathing had slowed. She had her head turned to the window, hence driving past a lake, but had drifted off. She looked less annoying asleep, less stubborn, more peaceful. I had come to terms that being her boyfriend....may be giving up all my freedom. I stopped a small smile drifting across my lips from looking down at her, if I didn't look up, we'd drive straight into the lake. That would be an amazingly stupid way to die.

In about 2 hours we'd arrive in Chicago. That was 2 hours where she got to sleep and I would drive. She was lucky I didn't make her drive, although, to be honest, she was not the greatest driver.
Since on the bus, we hadn't eaten anything. I was starving, and I'm sure Skye would be too when I woke her. Only a few more minutes until I stopped at a small town to get something to eat. I jolted to a halt at a red light, waking up Skye. I was so unsure the jolt would wake her up; that woman could sleep through a hurricane.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now