"The Truth Hurts"

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"So, what do you have in mind for today?"

"I don't know, eating the food we bought."

"Great idea, except it's all we have for a week, I didn't buy this to only last one day."

"First of all, I recall Mr. Johnson has a very good credit score, and second of all...."


"I was going to say I couldn't eat it all in one day...."

Ward playfully shoved Skye from where we sat on the couch.

"So, the dancing thing we're being forced to attend is at what time?"


"It's 5, we have an hour until we leave. I was going to suggest we go see a movie...but we're in Chicago, let's do something interesting."

"No shopping."

"Ugh, come on, what else do you suggest doing," she fell against his shoulder.

"I don't care, just don't take me to a mall," he wrapped his arm around her.

"How about we go to the lake, rent a boat."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic anymore."

"I'm being sarcastic about the boat...but yeah, let's seriously go to the lake."

Ward looked into her chocolate brown eyes, eager eyes, wide innocent eyes. What could she possibly drag him into at the lake?
Skye sincerely wanted to do something with him, act normal for once. Cause hell, if you're a Shield agent, it seems like getting the call to kill someone is the most normal thing. Plus, he was her boyfriend. And, she wanted the perfect time to say I love you. See how Ward would react. The worst reaction would be "Skye gets to take a swim in the lake." Though, Ward gave her no impression he didn't feel the same way.

"Okay rookie, lake."

They decided to walk, Ward had used the lame excuse on her about not training, so walking instead....Skye felt as if she would be hit by some speeding taxi or on the fritz car every road crossing in Chicago. She was also a little worried Ward would scream at someone one mile over the speed limit. They began to cross the final crossing when an ambulance whizzed by, almost knocking them off their feet.

"For the love of God, using road crossings in Chicago is harder than being a field agent," she muttered. Ward grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

A bench was set inches away from the water, and the only available one too. Apparently they were close to this outdoor dance festival thing, so it was friggin crowded.

"If I fall in would come get me or laugh?"

"Depends, can you swim?"

"I guess we'll have to wait and find out, if I fall in I mean."

"I could always just push you in, but I'll be a nice boyfriend."

"Yup, nice boyfriend."

"I'll go get you ice cream if you leave it at nice boyfriend."

"Nope, I can't eat ice cream because I won't train," she protested, patting her stomach.

"You literally misunderstood everything....I'll just go get us some anyway."

He walked off leaving Skye on her own. She peered out over the sparkling blue lake, and took a deep breath. Became calm. Glancing around, seeing children and their parents, teens on skateboards, young adults like her and Ward sitting on their phones, a proposal in the park, and elders walking their dogs. Her eyes stayed glued on the proposal, even as Ward sat beside her. Someday.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now