"The Flood Dries"

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(Ward's POV)

I walk through the hotel hallway, pizza in my arms. I know I have to save some for Skye. We both hadn't eaten in about a day. And I couldn't wait to eat it....what? So a guy can be anxious to
eat something!

The hotel smelled of cleaning, bleach and crap like that. I hated how it smelled.
As I near the door, I hesitate. Was someone crying in there? Oh please god, no. I can barely tell if someone is smiling or angry, and now she expects me to go inside, totally understanding? I've never heard her cry, or even frown on the worst days. She just keeps a straight face, like May. Sarcasm is her superpower. But with the team... that character is broken, and only being serious blows over everything else. I pity her, tortured after joining. And me being guilty for that means I can't stand here until she stops. I have to walk in. Plus, I'm starving and I'm only becoming more crazy within the hours.

I slide open the door, it creaks a tremendous amount. The sobs quiet, yes, but I still hear them. Small and sad, like a child. I set the pizza down, and walk away still tempted by the aroma. She has her knees pulled in her sweater, her head laying in her hands. Tear splash down on the bed sheet, and I know she knows I'm standing right beside her.

"Skye, you could've just said something was wrong...I mean, I know they did other things than just torture you." I tried to calm her really, but only one long, drawn out sob was uttered.

"Skye....." I didn't know what to do. Hug her? I wanted to hug her.
Just something about her from day one, and I knew it was an obsession.
It was a necessity.

She finally looked up, her face serious, tears on her face, but pale, like she was wearing makeup.
"Ward...." She began, her voice cracked making her sound only more pained.
Okay, I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I wrapped both arms around her, and she welcomingly leaned into me, still scrunched up in a ball.
She was weak, tired from crying, barely even able to hold up her own body. I looked up at her, she looked up at me. Our noses could've touched.
It was short, yet it lasted. We kissed, our lips touching. She didn't want it to end, neither did I but, I would never admit it. We pulled away, not leaving enough passion. Or so it seemed, to me.
She groaned something between, "I love you, and I despise you."
Skye, one person who had tripped me up, fell asleep nestled in my arms. I never let go of her. She was safe, she felt protected, feeling like a child who had lost its innocence, she needed this.
I forgot about how hungry we were, how desperate this looked. for once we were alone, and I would enjoy her company. Even if it meant staying awake all night, I'd do it for her.
We stayed in this position, even after I drifted off.
Skye. Look what she did to me.
Coulson is going to kill me.


SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now