Too Far

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She awoke, shackled to the a wall in some musty old disgusting smelling and looking room. Somewhere, which she thought, would be a great place to hide dead bodies if she were a murderer. There was no light. No windows, no noise. Certainly no contact to the outside world from what she could see and that worried her. Hydra seemed to be going old school with the shackles too.
Pain was resuming throughout her body, and she bit her lip as pain from her abdomen coursed through her.

"Mother of god," she continued to curse under her breath.

"Skye? Are you finally awake?" Hunter asked.

Hunter asked. Hunter's here.

"Yeah, you okay?"

"I'm bloody fine, I mean for the situation we're in," he replied sarcastically,"you don't sound so good though," Hunter then commented sincerely.

She bit her lip again as pain in her abdomen pounded through her body.
F*ck. Not now.
What was she supposed to say to Hunter? That the baby is trying to put her in early labor? Cause that's exactly what it felt like.

"F*ck," Skye cursed under her breath.

"So not to good then...bloody hell," Hunter answered for her.

" just feels like I'm giving birth."

"You're not actually? Because I really don't think I can, or want to..." Hunter had to add,"handle a birth right now."

"I'm only kidding..."

He sighed.

"Hopefully," I glared back at him.

The door burst open several seconds later. Garrett was there, accompanied by 2 heavily armed men.

Garrett smirked.
The shield members realized their mistake: they never thought of an escape plan. Without any hesitation, just a short angry glance from Garrett, both men marched towards Hunter. They violently grabbed him by the shoulders and held a gun to his head.

"One down," Garrett stated with a malicious grin towards Skye.

"What? Why? No! We don't have anything you want besides Ward, and he doesn't care about Hunter! You've got everything you want in Hydra!" Skye yelled at him.

Hunter had taken offense to what Skye had said but if he noticed...IT WASNT REALLY THE TIME. He was probably gonna die, and Skye didn't want to hear it, or watch it. She wanted him to live, to walk out of the underground base (if it was even underground) with her and back into Bobbi's arms.
That made Skye think.
She'd been an idiot for thinking Ward would give up on the Garrett mission that easily. He had been a fool for lying to her. Even though she was still silently fuming at his actions-she wanted to be back in his arms, kissing his lips, listening to him talk to their unborn daughter...all the sweet stuff.

"I want Shield gone, as if it wasn't obvious enough," Garrett pointed out with a chuckle.

"No shit Sherlock, but I'm just saying its idiotic to kill us when we can get you to Coulson."

"I still have Ward, and Bobbi, and Fitzsimmons..." He deadpanned.

"No, don't you bastards!" Skye screamed in protest as the gun pointed at Hunter's head clicked.
She kicked and yelled and protested, even as the tall bulky man walked over to her side. He replaced her screams to muffled groans as he gagged her, then blinded her from the sight as he stood in front of her.
Only seconds later a gunshot went off.
Her eyes widened and her screams were struggling to even get out.
She attempted to kick and punch. Tears formed in her eyes. She felt so...helpless. And she hated it.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora