(A/n). "Going Our Separate Ways."

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Okay, let me clarify! I said chapter coming on Wednesday, but I should've better clarified what chapter. See, I knew chapter 21 would most likely come out before the original date. I do know for sure chapter 22 will come out on the original date. The drive there is long, and I started writing this chapter right after chapter 20 because I have a lot of free time sometimes. Anyway: there is a chapter below!!! Yay! It may not be the best, but here it is! Not even going to try and edit...so feel free to correct me I guess. IMPORTANT: Decided to give the doctor a name because she's playing a big role! I'm giving her an Italian last name from my family, just in case any of my friends come across this, or if anyone wants to know....so yeah. Exciting right? *she says sarcastically*

After a while Ward was sent to his hospital room. He was sent back, knowing he'd probably never see her again. Ward's door opened, he removed his head from his hands. Coulson stepped in, about to close the door. Outside May stood, arms folded. FitzSimmons were walking with the Dr. Buccelli to Skye's room. Everyone had a look of dismay on their faces.

"May would be kicking your ass right now...but seems like you've been injured enough."

"Yes sir," Ward mumbled back. Please, don't do this.

"Don't you dare yes sir me!" Coulson rose his voice.

Ward felt like a little kid getting a time out from their parent, except this time it was a longer punishment...and not a parent. Ward knew not to retort, if he wanted to make it out alive, that is.

"I'm responsible for Skye's injuries, I'll take any punishment inflicted," Ward gulped. The feeling about Skye's injuries....she was his girlfriend for Christ's sake!

"Of course you will, or you'll never see her again," Coulson kept his voice firm and steady, although the emotion was crawling its way from his throat.

Ward just simple nodded in agreement. What else could he do when two worlds just came crashing down? Still so tempted to say yes sir....

"How long do you estimate she has?" Simmons asked.

"A week, two weeks, at the most," the Dr.  replied, staring thoughtfully at the unconscious girl in front of her.

Tears were brimming at the scientist's eyes, Fitz grabbed Jemma's hand. The Dr. found this hard to ignore, but restrained herself from staring.

"Coulson always talks about you....think you could do anything to help her?"

"Coulson? Talks about us? What was it between you two anyway?" Simmons inquired, knowing Skye would ask something like that if she were just....here.
Fitz gave Simmons an annoyed glance.

"Sorry, I mean I can help...."

"No, no sorries," Dr began with a sigh,"It's not secret Coulson and I had a thing...way back when."

Simmons returned Fitz an I-told-you-so look.
"I'm going to go check on agent Ward, feel free to make yourself at home, my hospital is your hospital," Dr joked.

FitzSimmons paled at the mention of Ward. After the doctor left, Simmons raced to Skye's side.

"I'm so sorry, I'll help you. I promise," she was silently crying, getting up and walking around. She didn't want everyone to see her like this, she had work to do.



"I need you to..." Her voice broke,"...to get Skye's medical file."

Fitz gave an understanding nod. They spoke the same language. He knew Simmons needed him to leave, although she rarely needed space...Skye was her best friend, almost a sister. Fitz was going to stay strong though, one of them had to.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now