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(This chapter is just a sense of relationships, piecing together what's happening :)

They'd manage to leave town. A few demons chasing after them as they sped away like mad-men, but that was all. There was nothing they could do to help those people, much as they wanted.

"Demon said what now? You think you're having twins?" Bobbi asked, readjusting her attention on a different topic.
Hunter told her.
Everything came flooding back...except this time (in time) she was used to being broken, feeling lost...lonely...
It totally sucked, at least she wasn't stuck burning in hellfire, and got (or had) a hella hot boyfriend. Named Sam Winchester, should she mention.
Hunter was equally surprised, only that she was this comfortable with the idea of her true identity being Jessica Moore.
He'd miss Bobbi Morse, the real Bobbi, who didn't giggle. She refused to be called Jess, but still it was all different.
Bobbi just couldn't wait to be alone, weep a little, process this, and try to build up a new reputation, a new wall, a new personality with hints of Bobbi Morse.
What else was there to do?
So many more important things were going on, Bobbi's problem....just acting as a small misplaced step in someone's hike. Something that was noticed, not enough to be concerned over.

"No, the demon thinks I'm having twins," she covered up. Skye knew the demon was probably right...what the hell! She had a one child policy with Ward, not a chance at "buy one kid get one free!"

"Ward, any thoughts on this?" Hunter asked, a little scoff in his voice.

Ward had totally been trying to avoid this conversation, Skye seemed totally okay with twins being an option....except her pale complexion.

He let out a loud sigh, before slowing the car down. Driving fast and close to oncoming traffic, probably a better time to slow down and admit, or confess, his "feelings on the topic."

"One kid, all I wanted was one kid...I can barely care for one kid, let alone two of my own!"
The car fell silent, Skye's complexion turning now beet red.
Thank god it was dark out.
This wasn't her fault, she knew it, but carrying the babies made every single little flaw/problem feel like it belonged to you. Not the babies, or the father for that matter.
Ward wasn't angry at twins, he just knew-he'd be the worst father ever.

"Ward, radio, please?" Bobbi asked after reaching another stop-light.
Anything was better than silence, better than Skye and the tears being held back-nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach-anything.
Anything was better than Matt just sitting their, texting and snickering every now and then. Man, that guy zoned out quickly.


"You two, powers?"

"Yes," they spoke simultaneously.

"What's your backstory?" Dean asks,"every hero has a cool backstory."

"It's not exactly cool-"

"More traumatic," Pietro finished.
She gave him a sad smile, nodding her head in agreement.

"Well, tell it then, bet we can relate," Sam muttered.

"Oh, alright. We grew up in Sokovia-" Wanda began.

"Sokovia?" Dean snickered.

"It's an actual place!" Pietro retorted.

"Yes! Anyway, short story, we were bombed-both our parents pronounced dead. We were then brought into Hydra experiments-"

Once again, a Winchester cut her off.

"Hydra? What the hell?" Sam snickered, glancing at Dean.

"Its basically like a terrorist organization to us...." Pietro started.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now