I'm In

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Stark picked them up within minutes.
They had a lot to explain.

"So, you let your car get stolen?" Stark scoffed.
Awkward silence from the few in the backseat.

"Well," Skye began, she was picking her words carefully to make this sound less stupid,"we were distracted...."

"No amount of distraction just lets someone openly steal your car at a basically abandoned gas station!" Stark exclaimed, stifling a laugh.
Pepper gave him a look and stifled her own laugh, half at the situation on hand, half at the five people all crammed into the backseat a of Stark's car. Skye was practically sitting on top of Ward.
He pretended not to care.
He'd already made her angry enough, and when she was with child....sweet Jesus she could be terrifying.
Skye was already dozing off on her boyfriend's shoulder, which she hoped he didn't mind. If he was so fixated on caring for her, surely he would provide to her a comfortable place to sleep.
Tony's car was incredibly f*cking cold with the windows rolled down.
The jacket was now draped Skye and Ward's shoulders.

About an hour later, due to a lot of setbacks, they arrived where the plane was landed.
And they all breathed out a sigh of relief.
Except for Skye, of course she had fallen asleep.
And Matt.
Those two were usually more lazy than others thought. You'd think with having done nothing but sit in the backseat of a car all day they'd want to get out and move around a little.
Ward knew he wanted to, he was itching to get out of the car and actually stand.
After he carried Skye to her bunk, then he could have his free time.


Coulson and May had to stay at the hospital with FitzSimmons, since they were their only mode of transportation back. Rhodey wasn't too happy about it.
Simmons hadn't been unconscious that long, doctors saying she'd wake up soon.
Fitz still insisted she'd needed to be checked out. For one lousy boyfriend, he was a great best friend who cared for his other half far too much. Which wasn't a bad thing, although they did seem far more attached than Skye and Ward....which was saying a lot.

"She's woken up, minor scrapes, nothing major," a doctor strolled into the waiting room and informed the three lost in thought.

Coulson was sitting, leaning on his hand. Melinda was slowly dozing and falling on his shoulder, while Rhodey sat lost in music pouring through his earbuds.
At the doctor's positive message, they all perked up.

"So, is she alright to take out of the ohospital?" Melinda inquired with caution.

"If she could stay overnight....does she have a guardian or guardians? Is that her boyfriend in there?"

Yet they just let him in the room, Melinda thought through a fake smile.

"No! Really, we need her for...." Coulson began.
One thing that never made a good impression: Shield Agent.

"Family reunion," Rhodey blurted. They could hear the Metallica through his ears, and surprisingly enough he wasn't deaf and could even hear them.

"A family reunion?" The doctor scoffed.

"Yeah, we're already late," Coulson begged.

May wouldn't have believed them if she was in that position.

He let out a sigh of annoyance.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now