Last Chance

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(Can't you tell how excited I am from the caps lock, sweet Jesus.)

"Ward, Ward please wake up," she begged.

Ward could vaguely hear her voice, like and echo....far off in the distance. When he felt a jab in his side. Skye poking him.
His eyes fluttered open, and he realized.....this wasn't the bus. Startled, he shot awake.
Skye jumped as he shot awake, struggling in her bonds to turn around and face him.
Cruelty, they'd tied them back to back.

"Skye? That's you, right?" He whispered.

"Yeah...I mean I'm sorry you told me-"

"Are you alright, hurt? Is the baby alright?" He panicked.
She felt a small smile form on her lips, always so overprotective and it was so annoying....yet she loved it. A little bit.

"As far as I know, I'm fine, baby's fine."

"How? That was like 3 flights of stairs!"

"Someone caught me, dragged me down here, they were just....waiting," she gulped.
She didn't want to tell him yet.

"You sound so....close?"

"I'm tied up to you, G.I Joe."
She rolled her eyes.

At least their room had a dim light.
She reached back, finding his hand. She took it squeezing it and allowing her head to fall on his back.

"Oh thank God I thought you were dead," she admitted.

"I'm right here, promised I would stay anyway."

"I should've promised something."

Then it came to him, he hadn't come down here alone.

"Bobbi? What about her?"

"Different room, I think."

He listened to her voice for a second, something wasn't right....something hadn't been right.

"They did something to you."

"Nothing, I promise-"

"Your voice, something sounds like it' you have water in your mouth. It's not blood, is it?"

Silence from her end as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"They did something to you, don't lie I'll be able to see if we get out!"

It just pained her more.

"We can't get out, I mean I can't get out," she shook her head.

"Don't, just tell me everything," he demanded.

She took a deep shaky breath.

"If anyone tries to save us, I'll get shot, if someone opens this door, I get shot."

Everything inside Ward froze.

"Shot....? You mean they rigged this?"

"Mhm," she was on the verge of tears. She had been there so long waiting for him to wake, only to tell him this.

"Oh God........." He drifted off,"We're getting out, I made a promise," He began struggling with the ropes.

"No! Stop!" She cried out, a sob escaping. Her heart thudded as she awaited the gun to go off, awaited pain to flood through her.

He froze again, still. Seconds of silence passed, and she realized she wasn't getting shot.
Her breathing resumed, and she fell back against Ward.

"If you try to move out of the ropes, I'll be killed."

He took deep angry breaths. They couldn't need Garrett that bad, because if Ward got out without her, he was going to beat him to a pulp.

"Dammit Skye, what am I supposed to do?" He whispered out, choking up. He didn't know what to do, he was blinded by her, and every protocol of anything was lost to him now.

"Just start praying nobody remembers to save us, either way we'll die down here."

"I'd rather die with you then you dying without me."

"Don't be stubborn," she protested.

"Like I'm the stubborn one," he sighed.

She laughed, a small genuine laugh to clear the air. She was going to miss robot more than...she could...she could imagine.
Then, Interrupted as footsteps and the sounds of their team's voices filled the air...coming towards them.
This was their only time to say goodbye, clear all the air around them. Forgive, recollect, make promises to never be kept, look at each other one last time. Gaze into each other's eyes, and see the hope in them before they cross dead. One last smile their lips bear before they fall in a heap to the ground. Hear their voices for the last time.
They couldn't even look at each other one last time, feel the touch of their lips.

"Ward," she gave him a look of horror,"their coming." She was so afraid, vulnerable, something he never heard in her voice before.
"Their coming" meant now is your last frigging chance! Last chance to say goodbye.

He just squeezed her hand harder. Everything he had prepared in saying a situation had disappeared. Replaced by the thoughts he couldn't just say anything to describe their moments together, her touch, the feel of her lips against his....everything, and it was indescribable. What was he to say when the only person he loved was her? His family didn't care for him, Garrett just tried to make him kill a new family....but she came along and then....the only one that ever showed care in her eyes was her. After this there was nobody left, no Skye and their unborn child.

"I need you to promise me something," she finally whispered gently to him.
Why did she have to do this? He just wanted....he just wanted her, to be with her all his life.
Shield agents got an estimation of life spans. Just to be know what they're being thrown into.
And technically, Ward was going to outlive his. Skye was going to die before that.

"I'm not going down without you."

"Please, Ward let's be realistic," death is just around the corner for me, "promise me you'll move on, find a way to be happy, however you do it. Just promise me you'll try to live the rest of your life."
She started sniffling, watching as tears dripped down her face.

Same thing he would've said to her.
But they both knew neither of them could follow up to it. Forever wallowing in a hopeless puddle of depression. His family, his girlfriend, his everything would be gone.

And the door clicked open, light poured in.
There was a mixture of relief taking from the team, Skye and Ward yelling their last goodbyes....and the team ran in.

Ward completely stopped breathing, his heart stopped moving as he heard the gun click.

"God, no, no, no...." She muttered, fear in her voice, her last words, as she clenched her eyes shut. Her voice had shot uncontrollably, more pain and fear than when she was shot before. It was the most heartbreaking thing you could ever imagine. His worst nightmare was losing everyone.
Ward so wanted to move her away from harms way, but he felt so defenseless. He sat there, sat there as the gun clicked...
He squeezed her hand.


"Yeah, Mr. Fun Machine," she groaned, throwing a fake punch.
For the first time a genuine smile, and he felt something he never felt before.

"Just be on time next time, rookie."


SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now