"Long Gone"

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(Skye POV)

I winced in unbearable pain. I felt like screaming, cursing, I wanted this nightmare to be over. I never should have trusted Shield. Oh, Ward....

The man kept laughing, the same evil laugh over and over. I'm pretty sure he was mental, other than that, the evidence I had that he kidnapped little children.... yeah...

His wonderful carving job was interrupted by the ringing of my phone. He had my phone, that A-hole! What the sh*t did Ward do that they wanted him this bad? Wouldn't it just have been easier to kidnap him instead? Unless... tough guys were afraid! I almost laughed, was I becoming mental too? I took the time he went off to find my phone to look at what he carved. Blood stood still on the perfect lines, but it looked... familiar. Something I had seen in Coulson's office, once... but then, it disappeared. Yet, it felt so familiar.... like alien.
Watch it be alien, and I never took the time to sift through his files and find the drawing again.

(Ward POV)

"Come on, pick up." I whispered through clenched teeth, adding a "crap", when she didn't answer. I dialed again. Using a phone, I had asked the ice cream parlor manager to borrow, was probably not the greatest idea, but my only chance at finding her. It rang, and rang, and rang... I heard a click. My breath caught in my throat, ready to slice theirs.

"Hello?" A hiss, the voice was a hiss, sounding like a snake that had just answered the phone.

"Put her on the phone." I commanded.

"She's busy at the moment, what's your name?" He asked, maniacally.

"Grant Ward." I sneered.

"Ward!!!" I heard distinct shouting in the background, it was her, she was alive.
Had they heard of speaker phone?
The ice cream parlor manager stood there with a wide-eyed expression. He stood so impatient, and they could probably track his phone, but it was too late for all this now. He agreed.

"Shut up." I heard a man with a foreign accent command.

"Ward! In the sewers!" She screamed. I heard her screams echo, then die with sobs. They were torturing her for me.
They were also awful "villains".
There were more concerning things at the moment, though.

"You destroyed who I loved, I'll destroy who you love." The man cackled, ending the call.

Why. Does. It. Always. End. Up. Like. This.
These villains were literally any Disney movie cliche.
Disney movie...

I didn't remember who it was, sure I had killed lots of people, and it never felt good, but going this crazy over it? I just hoped whoever it was, deserved to die.

(Skye POV)

When I heard it was Ward, my heart fluttered. He was coming, I almost laughed in joy, but now my lip quivered, my screams broke the silence around us, the whip crackled harder with each blow it hurt worse. Pain numbed me, I was going to die. Maybe death wouldn't be that bad, I could escape the pain, so much pain. But, my thoughts of Ward subsided any others crowded in my mind. Sleep.... my mind wanted sleep... my eyelids droopy.. the pain still coursing through me, numbing everything.
And I went unconscious.

(Ward POV)

Really poor Hydra agents, just letting Skye scream out her location like that.
I slid down mud coated walkways, down three miles of sewer (or so it felt), and came to a complete stop. I held my breath, listening to the sounds of a knife....men screaming...screaming out at her.
I pulled out my gun, keeping it at ready.
My head whipped around the corner fast enough to see a second man drop dead at the hands of another. Skye hanging there, limp.
When I walked in, there were two already dead on the floor...and the killer with such fear and hatred in his eyes..
We were dealing with a psychopath. Literal, mental, not even knowing what the hell he was doing.
Skye sat unconscious in a chair, bleeding now severely, but for now I had to ignore her.

"Do it, just do it!" The guy hissed.
He even looked like a snake.
Pale, lanky, blood-shot eyes.

And I shot him, his knife falling to the floor, and his eyes glossing over.
Like I told the rookie, pulling the trigger was another thing. One of those times when there were no other options, I had said, were the ones you had to be brave and just....go for the kill.
Scary how much more easier it got.

(Thank you all so much for the 208 views! This fanfic may not be great, but I'll get there. wait. 4 votes too! It may not seem like a lot, but for me it's a million! Thank you for trying out my Fanfic I really appreciate it :)

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