"Hey Skye Are You There?"

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"She's in a coma."

Coma. Not dead. At least not yet... Still, his stomach dropped at the words. How long until she awoke? What if she never woke up.... What if she woke up but had some sort of....
This was not helping. Skye was in a coma, how could he explain this to Coulson?

"That's not...I mean can I visit her?" Ward asked, already slipping on some clothes. Adrenaline was just racing through him.

"Visiting hours start at 12:00 PM tomorrow," the hospital informed.

Are they friggin kidding? There was no way he could wait. He did know that there were many others injured, but what about their relatives? They got to visit, right?

"Screw visiting hours, I'm on my way. What room is she?"

"Sir, I'm afraid you can't....."

"My wife just got shot, she's in a coma, I think I have the right to visit her! Now tell me, where is her room," Ward growled.

A loud sigh echoes from the other end,"room 616."
The line went dead.
Ward ran as fast as possible to the car. He didn't know how long it'd be until Skye awoke, he didn't even know if she'd want him to be there....he just needed to be there for her. The team didn't even know yet, but the couple...the pair...had a lot of explaining. The couple. Ward had been feeling Skye was the traitor, she didn't even give him a chance to explain! All his emotions were mixed, he felt like some broken-hearted teenager and he hated it. It was like a f*cking roller-coaster. She left him....he betrayed. There was a dark feeling at the pit of his stomach that told him it was him, and nothing would ever be the same. They would be misshaped, broken. Like those useless ideas of taping something broken together, knowing it will never stick; the thing will never work properly again.
He jumped the car. He sped through every light, not caring about the risk of getting a ticket. What if she never woke up? He never got to tell her he loved her....she never forgave him. And she'd sure still be mad at him after, or if, she woke. Skye getting shot was his fault, and he promised to protect her; prevent this from happening. Ward truly hated himself. He hated himself because of his secret, and how he hurt someone he loved. Someone he loved.

Ward was at least a block away from the hospital, and his anticipation was building up. He was nervous. He didn't want to see her like that....he didn't want to see her weak and fragile, not even able to acknowledge he was there. Staring hard down the street, the only light from street lamps. Hardly anyone was driving around this late, only a few cars here and there. One more red .....
He didn't even get to finish a thought, At the intersection was a truck, and it was flying towards him. Ward knew, this was definitely not just some "accident." Without thinking, he swerved, the front of his car hitting a tree.The truck flew past, just hitting the tail of his car...which sent his car flying backwards into another tree. The air bag was already up, the truck came to a screeching halt, then went off again. Seconds seemed like minutes. He slumped forward. Pain. Pain. Come on Ward, you have to get up.... He couldn't move. He couldn't move even thinking how Skye needed him. He was trapped between the tree and the smashed car. He was also trapped between consciousness and unconsciousness. Skye had been clouding his judgement all day....but there was someone out there trying to cross off Ward, and now Skye was in danger. Just because he hadn't been more cautious. Dammit. He needed to get to that hospital....everything blacked out a second time.

"Hello? Mr. Johnson? Can you hear me?"

The voice sounded familiar....it was the same doctor that had worked with Skye. Man he kind of hated her, but at least he knew someone here.
Ward still panicked though. He shot forward barely giving time for his eyes to open, pain ripped through him but he just clinched his teeth.

"Mr. Johnson, you were in a car crash."

You don't say?

"Where's Skye?" He immediately asked, forgetting the cover at that moment.

"Who's Skye? You must be feeling mixed up, the crash was pretty bad, lay down and let me explain."

Ward reluctantly fell back onto the pillow. Where was the team? The only thing he wanted to do was sit down and explain to Coulson, even if it meant crazy monitoring like Skye and her Rising Tide issues. The truth to Ward was, Hydra built him up....Garrett built him up. He was loyal to Garrett, forced to obey Hydra, forced to do terrible things...but it was for his own selfish reasons. Now someone he loved, someone that knew good and bad, was injured. God, May was going to kill him. Skye's mother-figure, May, protected her like her own daughter.
Ward had to accept any punishment.

"Mr. Johnson, whomever hit you got away, but police are on the search..." No, they didn't just get away, they were waiting. "A passerby found you unconscious and called the authorities. If it hadn't been for the air bag, you would've gotten a severe concussion, or brain damage even. Luckily, you made it out with only a broken arm, an injured leg, and some deep scratches."

Great, just great. How am I supposed to do anything useful now?

"Well, thank God," Ward sighed in a sarcastic tone.
The doctor stared with a blank face, no emotion showing.

"Mr. Johnson, do you have anything to be take care of? Anyone to call?"


"Yes, actually I do."

A few minutes later, he was explaining everything to Coulson, almost begging for forgiveness. There was a click on the other line. It ended with Coulson saying: We'll be there in 24 hours, better go get a last look at Skye while you can, you won't see her for a while you smug son of a bitch. Don't you dare try anything, I happen to be acquaintances with that doctor of yours."

He knew this was coming, he just felt stupid. He felt defeated. He felt angry.
"Mr Johnson...."

"Take me to my wife," he had his hands clenched in fists. The doctor took a somewhat afraid gulp.

"Sure thing."

After coaxing him into a wheel chair, explaining how crutches were a bad option, they wheeled him into her room. Ward layer his eyes on her, a terrible wreck. Tears were threatening again, but he hadn't cried since the well. He wasn't just going to fall apart right there. She was bloody and pale. Tubes and IVs were connected all over, a heart monitor which monitored which little pulse she had stood beside her bed.

"She was shot twice, actually. We found a second bullet, about to penetrate some major organs. I'm sorry to say, agent Ward, she might not have long to live, she might not even wake up. You have a few minutes with her, don't touch her, don't try to mess with anything. Like Coulson said, I'm a friend of his," the doctor hissed, roughly pushing him beside her and stomping out.

"Oh God, Skye.... are you there?"

As expected, nothing. No movements from her end.

"Skye, I'm so sorry. I don't have long with you, but I have to say this. I love you. I've loved you since day one, and I wanted so damn much for us to be together.....but I knew we couldn't. I should've protected you, told me my secret....I'm so sorry. I love you rookie," the sappy moment was what he needed, that maybe she'd hear him, realize his feelings were real. What a laughing stock the team would think he was.....he bent down and kissed the top of her head. She had to hear him, she was all he had left.

I love you too, Ward

(Sorry if it's not the best chapter! Yeah, kinda knew it wouldn't get 110 reads, and no I wasn't just reaching for the stars. It was mostly because I had no time to write, so I've been working on it Friday/Today (Saturday) Anyway, here's the long anticipated chapter! And those who guessed coma were correct! Congratulations, even though nothing was won....thanks for reading! Comment and vote!
Quick message: I'm going on a vacation for about three days, relatives and all that, starting on Monday. The next chapter is scheduled for around Wednesday/Thursday. Happy reads!😋~Izzy)

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now