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Author Note:
(So, yeah, I have more free time to write. Last chapter wasn't how I wanted it to turn out, me saying I just had higher expectations, just got caught up and the words weren't flowing, more choppy. I'm not sure I can go back and refine, I cringe. It's just me though. Anyway, thanks you for those comments that are supportive to my writing and story, you know who you are. Keep up the reads and votes, I really appreciate it! Also, I want to know if I should keep it Skye's POV, or do a POV involving both. I just find Skye's POV easier to write. 😋~Izzy)

Back in the car. I was bored out of my mind. Ward was distracted driving, so I could turn on any music I wanted. Every so often he'd honk the horn and swear at drivers. He was one of those road rage drivers. About the fifth time he was screaming at a car for going to slow, I turned up my music louder, to drown out the sound of his complaining. "Latch" by Sam Smith turned on, it was 100% better than complaining. Actually, not guilty, I knew all the words to it. Jemma and I did, we were pretty bad at duets. I myself wasn't a terrible singer. Not I-can-sing-Latch good, but I have to credit myself for being good.

"That guy's an idiot! Red light!", Ward honked the horn.

"Okay, I see how you're mad at him, he's an idiot, but you seem like you hate everyone in Chicago."

"Well, maybe I do."

"But I'm technically in Chicago."

"My God, drive!", he screamed at a slow Toyota in front of us.

"I'll leave you alone."
Man, he was hell bent on finding the worst driver in Chicago. Eventually, he got so angry, he had to pull up in an empty lot to calm down.

"How far away is this penthouse again?"

"Well, it's not technically a penthouse penthouse...," I glanced at the map on my phone, "another 3 blocks from here. Try not screaming the whole way."

He gave me an irritated look.

"What? I have video evidence of your road rage extravaganza."

"How many videos of me do you have on your phone by now?"

"I'd count, but I'll make my poor boyfriend angry," I teased, "to be honest I have more photos."

I found it hilarious to mess with him. Mr. Rules and Regulations let rules and regulations get ahead of him. He needed to loosen up and have some fun, of course he thought I could less-loosen-up; to which neither of us disagreed there.

"So, I'm thinking when we get there, we track the guy. Got your laptop?"

"Never leave home without it. Anyway, instead of doing boring mission stuff right away, let's find somewhere good to eat. Track down some good restaurants and shops instead."

"How about we do that after you track down Hydra's head," he protested.

"We can argue this later," I turned up the radio, "Apologize" by One Republic. I well knew there were other versions, all sounded the same to me. All are just as sad.

"What's with you and all the music?", Ward scoffed.

"Meaningful answer or bullshit answer?"


"Okay. First off, music always docked me, kept me calm. Second of all, you shut up."

"My girlfriend doesn't even want to hear me."

"Aw," I stuck out my bottom lip, watching a smile grow across his face,"one block away."

"We could be there sooner, but all the damn squirrels."

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now