Living your Dreams

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"Sam? Sam are you okay?"
Bobbi fell to her knees, instantly coming to the aid of her screaming....boyfriend...
Jealousy never ran through Hunter, but now he could feel it furiously pumping through his blood as Bobbi knelt by Sam, yelling in pain, and wiping a tear from his face. One tear of pain.

"He had a vision," Bobbi muttered with concern as she gently wrapped her arms around his neck.

Please, make it stop. Let Bobbi remove her arms from him before I puke.

"What? Now he and Skye are both having visions?" Hunter scoffed.
When did this happen?

"I've always had them!" Sam snapped, surprising Bobbi as she sheepishly removed her arms.
A grueling stare returned from Sam, and Bobbi glanced down like an injured dog.
Some relationship.

"Well, get on, what did you see?" Hunter stuttered through the silence.

His heavy breathing returned, you could clearly see he was straining not to go into full out hulk-rage.

"I hear screams."

"I didn't ask what you heard, you moose, I asked what you saw! Now answer me, because if it has anything to do with my team, I need to be concerned."
Hunter was shocked at his own words, as far as the team knew, he hated them all.

"They were all dead, guts spread out around them. And it was your scientist friends' faults," he growled.

"Hey, baby calm-"
She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he just shrugged it off violently.

"Don't touch me!"

"If you want we can just leave you here," Hunter retorted.

"Might be best," Bobbi mumbled, a knife falling from her hand at Sam's knees,"protect yourself baby...."


"And don't die out there, alright?"


Sam shook his head in a humble nod.
Of course, Bobbi didn't even glance at Hunter as she began down the sleet coated sidewalk.


"Hey, Skye, rookie, can you look at me?" Ward asked in a small hushed voice, Dean paced anxiously behind them.


"Baby-" he began, softly lifting her face to his. He was soon stopped at her face-something wasn't right.
It was the eyes.
They weren't white, they weren't black, in fact they were the same chocolate brown shade....but there was a strong menacing darkness behind them, masked in the pain she was currently experiencing. Masked so expertly you almost couldn't see it. Ward saw trough it, it was different, it was something in his girlfriend only he would notice.

"Please, we have to help them."

"Tell us what you saw," Dean commanded.

"You really want to know?" She glanced between the two men who gave anxious nods.

"My god, I think I felt this vision," she exhaled, shaky with glimmering eyes,"I watched Fitzsimmons stab everyone to death, they started to rip Coulson's guts out when I woke up."

Now Ward understood, Coulson's her closest father-figure, and he two best friends on a head-to-head demon battle...

"Okay, so let's go," Ward finally decided.

"What? Wait, you two, and for the first time I'm saying this, you two are under thinking this! We can't just leave hundreds of other demons strolling around!"

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now