"Wavering Thoughts"

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(Ward POV)

I felt drowsy, yet not feverish.... just hot, sweaty. There was humidity in the air, and trying to remember where I was only made the pain in my head throb worse. A drum beating back and fourth in my damn head!
I laid where I was, incapable of doing anything. Just paralyzed from he confusion for a second.
My eyelids were begging me to open them, my nose with an itch. Everything in my body was telling me to move. But I was too weak, I needed a second to process the exact moment I lost her.

That's exactly the moment when something changed.

I remembered her voice, her laugh, her hazel doe-eyes staring at me wide with the whole world in them...damn....and my regaining strength was slowly making every muscle in my body jump.
What I saw when I opened my eyes made me remember. I was laying on a white bench, in front of an old fashion ice cream parlor. Red and white umbrellas surrounding the outside, this place the most pristine ice-cream shop in the entire park.
There was an older guy inside selling the delicious smelling cones. Grinning customers, and one grinning to its ears employee as he sent everyone off with a treat and a wave.
Imagining having that job, just waiting for someone to buy a cone, already made me hate everyone involved in he business.

Though I was starving. How long was I out for? I felt my pocket, frantically searching. My phone. They stole my phone. Sh*t.
I groaned, aggravated, and sat up holding my head. A little girl skipped passed me, her braids flying behind her, a red balloon in her tiny fist. My mission came back to me.
The importance of what I was doing, dawned in on me.
One huge responsibility, and I was fast asleep on a bench in Disney World.

Beep. Beep.

The noise similar to a ticking time-bomb filled my ears.
I glanced down, and on my wrist was some sort of stopwatch...It was counting down an hour, barely an hour.

Skye was gone and they had planted this watch on me counting down the hours until she was permanently gone from this world.
Ugh, I had been in scenarios like this before, they always played out the same, the agent always escaped.
This time was different. She wasn't trained, and it was my fault.
The cliche feeling was only about right in this moment.
I pushed her too hard to the point she just exploded. She couldn't handle it. And now she's expected to just burst out with all these crazy ninja fighting tactics, that even I didn't know to teach her about.

I sighed again, standing, observing the world around me. I never meant to loose her. And I just hated myself, thinking in my mind the crazy plan to earn her back. I swore. I had fallen for her. For some crazy hacker with no trust. Yet, the way she got close to me and talked about personal things.... I hated myself.

(Skye POV)

I didn't remember much, I'm pretty sure I was knocked out, or drugged. Either way, it's still not a particularly good situation to be in. I racked my brain, trying to remember anything after I had been kidnapped. I only could remember every pained scream from a family, and the desperate voice of Ward calling my name. God, so desperate. Was he always like this with new agents? F**k, and what was with the pain in my wrist.... And they were lifted above my head.. oh crap. I sighed, my wrists were held up in handcuffs. Realization time, for Skye!
There goes my plan of calling Ward for help. Maybe, just maybe I could have escaped myself. If Ward hadn't frickin pushed me so hard during training....or just listening on my end would've made this situation all the easier?
Sure, I was one to place the blame. Yet I knew it was all me, all the crappy jokes I told during training... all those times Ward ran in frustration... and it was all fun and games. Great job Skye, he'll probably leave you here. Yet....a feeling Deep down in my gut, longing he'll come. I fell for super spy, sure... but once you break his hard exterior...
Never-mind that. I haven't even gotten past the exterior. But, he still looks hot, I can like a guy for that can't I? Is it really that wrong fan girls? Come on, think about Thor!

Men came to what I assumed was a small room, like a sewer. They laughed. One had this extremely annoying accent, and the others were smoking or chewing gum or whatever..."thugs"....I didn't care. All I wanted to do was stab each and every one of them.
I also wished I had a knife to do just that.
I (cautiously) allowed my eyes to flicker open. They hadn't noticed I was awake yet.

It was gross. A small room, definitely supposed to be a sewer. The walls were stained the brown color of dried blood, tables of rust sat in corner, and above me was a small grate window. I could see people walking above... was that Ward? Most likely not, but, if they wanted him here they would place us close together...right?
Another realization time for Skye: I was the bait.

Was I in a chair? I tried to move my head... I was. My face turned white, and I swore my heart was making its way out of my chest... and where were my frickin clothes?! I only had a bra and underwear on, if I wasn't freaking out before, I sure was now.

The tallest and youngest looking guy turned, covered in tattoos and smoking a cigarette, completely bald too. He must be the "leader". I mentally groaned in disgust.
Tattoos, and cigars...even if I was against all this, they were waaaay to old to be acting like this. That disgusted me.

"Well, look who's awake." He laughed.


"You know, the whole evil villain thing doesn't really work." I sighed tilting my head to the side.

He got real close. Blowing smoke in my face, he laughed. I coughed in his face in return.

"Such a shame.." He caressed a side of my face, listing the numerous things he could do to me... you get the drill, things I don't need to mention, but surely brought fear too my face. It was nothing like torture... it was almost worse.... it was... and I understood the bra thing.

My feet were bound, but with my high heels still on there was hope. Whoever did this poor tying job would be sorry... one foot... I struggled. Just focusing on ripping through them, my heels ripping through the rope, with all the determination I had to stab them.
The second foot came free.

I immediately took to punting him, my high heels stabbing his chest... blood splattered onto his shirt.... and not one person in the room looked amused anymore.
Great idea Skye!
And Ward had told me my anger would get the better of me. How much I wished to go back and kiss his feet in apology.
Once again, he was right.
I gulped. My heart might've been failing.
Straight face, don't let them know you're weak.
At least I learned something. Thanks....May.

The "leader",  grabbed a knife... one that captured a blinding glint in the light, reflecting already dry blood, coated on the tip.
Heart. Failing.
"Such a shame.." He muttered again, holding the knife to my arm, laughing, beginning to carve.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now