"In The Dark"

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(Ward's POV)
Skye has no idea what personal space defines as. Sure, yeah our cover is dating, and I can accept of that...but when I'm standing beside someone and our shoulders bump when I breath, you're definitely invading my limits. Back off.

Her taunting me, and laughing, and bumping my shoulder. I felt like exploding if I didn't move, or react, or get anywhere CLOSER TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE RIDE! Then again, it was her first time here and she had an almost-admit-I'm-excited in the car moment, so I should at least try to smile and go with it....but worry lay in the pit of my stomach like an impending dooms day.
I knew this ride must be stricken next, evidence was leading one thing to another, and the security beginning to build up around the area. Wouldn't that be a bit of a red flag? Why wouldn't they shut down the park?! Wasn't anyone investigating and at least trying to find out what, or where, the children were doing?
The poor children, just striving for an innocent vacation. Another reason May hadn't come along (or refused to come along). (And thank god he didn't have to fake date with her). The cavalry, a bit of a touchy subject due to a mission in Bahrain.
Skye still wanted to know, but that wasn't something Ward was qualified to share...otherwise May would kill him.
But, did she think, maybe it would help stop with all the cavalry jokes?

My eyes turned to the line ahead of me.
Our turn, time for me to pull out my awful people skills.
I smiled at the clerk handing us tickets for the ride. He gave us an odd teasing look so I wrapped my arm around Skye again, trying to physically explain to him that we were dating and not two mental 24-29 year olds deciding to come to Disney World. Including, trying not to look like a government agent who was about to murder some criminals. By the time we had walked passed the slowest family on earth, the ride was about to begin. Quickly, I grabbed a distracted Skye's arm, always distracted by something it seemed. Always. Training. Never. Got. Done.
We found ourselves in a barren feeling room crowded with people. Fake Disney painted Victorian styled paintings hung on the wall and Skye craned her head to look.

Usual ride announcements, arms and feet in at all times! But, I was only focused on the flickering yellow light above.
Ride announcements abruptly ended. The light went dead.
A few kids gasped, but I knew it was only part of the ride... right? I'd never been on this ride, so for all I know the next part could be where the room drops 20 stories.
The lights faded back on, everyone was accounted for, but I felt my nerves rise again as we entered the carts.
Nervous? Disney World nervous?
This was probably the dumbest mission I'd ever been on.

The ride started up and I felt jolts. Back and forth, the grinding of the wheels on the tracks.
Jesus, how goddamn old is this ride? Skye's shoulder kept jabbing mine every time there was a jolt, but as the old ride got up and running it seemed to run perfectly fine. Smoothly even.
The only thing ticking me off at the moment was the PERSONAL SPACE INVASION! Made by none other than who? The rookie.
We were sitting side-by-side in silence. Skye staring down the line of the ride. What a great tactic to avoid conversation, to avoid my eye contact. Not like I was going to make an effort to converse back.

We passed the ghost mirrors, and hearing kids gasp...we were probably the oldest people on this ride. Although, I'm surprised Skye didn't glance over at the seat, especially since Fitz makes her watch those horror movies. As for Simmons's movies... I'd rather watch Paranormal with Fitz.

We passed another few stations of the ride filled with old animatronics and cackling witch sound effects.
We must've been nearing the end, it was dimming to dark, but a child still shrieked. Shrieked, one filled with emotion. This wasn't the end. All animatronics slowed, voices slowing as if mud was shoved into the speakers.
Skye gave me an anxious look.
Why didn't I just get out of the ride right then?
Because it was a "haunted house", and I wasn't sure.
Deep voices yelling and parents totally screaming their heads off.

I suddenly sat up, aware. Yep, this wasn't it. THIS WASNT THE RIDE!
It looked pitch black farther down the line.... it wasn't the ride.... I was sure, squinting my eyes didn't even help.
My cue. Or it should've been my cue long ago, then the rest of this would've never happened.
Parents were panicking, some kids were even laughing. This wasn't a joke,
God children are so naive.
All my senses were going into overdrive as I realized this plan wasn't well thought out at all. What could I do from the last seat? Climb over laps of children? I'd crush them!
Flashing my badge might've even stopped the ride completely, maybe I could've scared off some overprotective mothers. Or maybe Disney World could shut down the park instead of hiring us as agents and expecting us to stop it first day?
I could see some very narcissist emails in Disney's future.

"Skye..." I began, but was interrupted....okay, startled.

The ride stopped so harshly my grip on Skye's arm was loosened to grab the seat, in order not to fall to the tracks. Oh sh*t! I struggled to stand, but felt held back. Again, so damn distracted in finding a way to protect the rookie, I was out of the game completely!
All  lights were totally out and I couldn't see a thing. I reached for Skye... loud clanks echoed all around us... my hands waved around frantically searching for the girl who teased...who I solemnly swore to protect...to train. A muffled scream came beside me and I tried to stand, to fight off the invisible force, I felt something brush against my cheek, jean fabric, like the jeans Skye was wearing... but then nothing. I felt nothing, no air against my cheeks. I heard nothing, no screams from desperate families in the hopes of being saved. I was their only protection, and I had failed them. And I had probably lost Skye forever, knowing me. I'd never forgive myself if I lost her. Just the few days she'd been on the team and I already suspected her date.
I found myself thinking about days without her, days without her sarcastic comments and laughs at inappropriate times. But, a factor to mention is that I was unconscious......
I couldn't escape my empty filled space, my doom.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now