"The Next Morning"

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(Skye's POV)
When I woke, completely alone, I felt some sort of abandonment. There was the heavy shuffling of a few bags being dragged across the thin carpeting. Ward slowly walked in, hesitating at the entryway of the bedroom.

"I got your bags." He set them down at the foot of the bed, walking away.

That's strange. He's never at a lose of words. Okay, before I was joking but has he seriously never kissed a girl before, never had a girlfriend? I've probably dated more than him, which is saying a lot, but I never walked away that awkward. It didn't help ANY awkward situation to just keep walking away awkwardly. But, I got up and showered and packed anyway. The team was expecting us back in a couple of hours and Coulson especially hated it when we were late.
I rubbed my weary eyes, still puffy from crying. I watched him a few minutes, bending down to clean up the mess we'd made late at night, finally remembering the pizza. It looked normal. He still looked hot. Subconsciously, a smile drifted across my face.

"Ready to go?" I asked Ward a few minutes later, slinging my bag over my shoulder like the time when we first left.

Now we were leaving, and I was different.

As we walked down the slim hotel hallway I decided to pry at him.

"Was that your first kiss?" I bit my lip. A tactic.

"No, of course not." Was his stern reply.

"Besides any family members." I exaggerated besides, it's all about how you pry at them, how you get the important information.

He hesitated before responding gruff, "no."

Yep, I kind of knew I wouldn't get anything out of him... it was just.... he was oddly quiet today. I might as well be straight forward.

"Why are you so quiet today? I mean, like Agent May quiet."

"Seriously?", he turned, "you were tortured last night, and then we kissed, you don't find that a little....not something you'd exactly want to discuss?"

I felt daring today. It could have been my last days a few days ago, I might as well risk my life.
I leaned in, kissing him on the cheek, catching him off guard.

"Oh Agent Ward," I sighed with a teasing starry eyed look,"he'll never understand."

He stopped, speechless.

This time I was the one that walked away superior. Having the last come back, our everlasting battle. I smiled large, a grin I hadn't brought out much. Kind of like the way he turned and smiled at me. His smile turned me on.
Oh yes, I had seen him. I could see his reflection in the side-mirror of the car. Who was the super spy now?
And of course, as soon as I say that, someone coming out from their hotel room hits me with the door. In the face. Crap. How much more worse could this get? Well....Still, not the worst thing to endure. Just one that usually brought in some teasing. But, he walked past me, smiling. He wasn't going to let this go was he?
And to think I'd have to ride in a car with him for four more hours.
In the name of the father.......


SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now