"Over and Over"

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What did I do? Too soon...too soon...
A million things were running through Skye's head.
They'd been in her bunk half the day, and she now just realized...
I shouldn't have done this. Yet she fell for his seductive smile and when her lips crashed on his, it's like she was kissing him for the first time all over again-the most amazing feeling that she wanted over and over.
At least she didn't know if anything happened yet.

She sat on her bunk bed, dressed in casual attire and clean, but was still reflecting the entire afternoon with Ward.

In an hour, she was supposed to make her way down to the lab, then she was to begin training with Ward again, then meet the team at the Command Center.

She really didn't want to.
She was still used to the feeling she could just stay in her bunk and cry all day, but she promised she'd go back on track.

Two knocks on her door echoed through her bunk.

"Skye? Are you coming?"
I mean Simmons.

"Yeah I'll-I'll be right there!"
Skye hurriedly searched through her bunk for her phone, she could never remember where she put it....
Shit, I left my phone in the bathroom.
Ward was in the bathroom. Ward was taking a shower.
How f*cking awkward would it be if she walked in to grab her phone while he was showering?
Still, it wasn't like wrong because they were dating and crossed the line and all...but she hadn't proclaimed or suggested walking in which was suggestible-

She swung open the door, plastering one big fake smile on her face.

"I'll be there, left my phone in the kitchen."

Everyone knew they were dating, Simmons could literally watch her walk into the bathroom, yet she felt the need to instantly lie for their relationship.

"Skye, that's the bathroom....?"

Making one a very confused Simmons.

"I know," she slowly slid open the door as both her and Simmons stared at each other, then she bolted inside, ran up to the sink, ignored Ward completely, and then realized her phone was in her pocket.

She walked out, and she could feel the heat rising to her face.

"Where's your phone?" Simmons asked, she always sounded so genuinely concerned for things at the wrong times.

"It was in my pocket," Skye muttered sheepishly, pulling it out for display.


"I'll only need two blood tests."

"Okay, but I draw the line at two because I really hate being stabbed by stuff."

"Feeling is mutual," Bobbi replied from the desk she was sitting on.

The three had some down to the lab together, taking time from their partners.
They found it interesting to see if they actually went near each other, or just kinda hid away in their bunks.
Bobbi, Simmons, and Skye quickly bonded over their how exhausting their partners were.

One needle, one to go.
Skye winced as Simmons took the needle, and cringed as she watched Simmons pull it out.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this!

"I'm going to compare Raina's blood, Skye's blood...but I also want to compare normal blood..."

"I'm being used, knew I shouldn't have come here," Bobbi sighed.

"Why don't you use some of your own blood Simmons?"

"Fine, if you want to put the needle in, go right ahead."

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now