"Moving On"

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"I saw him in her bunk last night! There was no yelling, no leaving, and nobody was drunk!" Simmons exclaimed, walking around the kitchen in excitement like a maniac.

"Well, that's good for them," Fitz muttered tiredly, he had been sitting listening to her for near twenty minutes, with his head facedown in his hands. Love her, but not this early.

"Yes, it's great! Our plan worked! Skye and....."

Skye and Ward walked out from her bunk...or so they had. They'd been standing there a while, listening to FitzSimmons talk about them, but Skye and Ward had risen there voice, laughing.

"Well, speak of the devil," Fitz muttered, noticing the couple.
Simmons looked overly excited the couple had made up, and decided to resurrect.

"I know, it's a miracle, right?" Skye smirked.
She was different still. Eyes sad, posture still broken...still broken up after the deaths. Little to say, she wasn't her usual self still.

"Skye?" Coulson came walking into the room, confused look.

"No, it's the ghost of Skye," she retorted as Ward gave an aggravated laugh behind her.
Skye ran up, and gave Coulson a small hug.

"Glad to see you back Agent Skye," he smiled, pulling away.

"I guess I'm glad to see you too AC..."

"Skye," Simmons interrupted, nervously.

"Yeah...?" She replied back with as much uncertainty.

"I want to, well I should, run some tests on you today."

"What? Why?" Skye looked back between Coulson and Simmons.

"Because your DNA....."

"But I haven't done anything!"

"Yes, well your lack of wanting to take the test means something," Coulson added, crossing his arms.

Have they been discussing this behind my back?!

"I didn't do anything...now," she muttered.


"Can we just hold off on it, please!" She exclaimed, she begged. Why now? They can't suspect something....
Coulson glanced at Simmons who gave a faint nod.

"Thank you," she muttered, pushing past the group.

Ward pushed through the group following her. She was just getting milk from the fridge, when she turned bumping into Ward's chest.

"Hey, if there's something you want to tell me....." His eyes begged to know.

Skye only hesitated, before coming to her senses. I should tell him he died...
"There is something I need to tell you," she whispered back, fearfully. Everyone was talking, and in the midst of it, Skye led Ward into the corner of the room.

"There's been something I've been wanting to tell you since....the baby.....you-you died."

"Yeah, you've said that before, still don't know what you mean."

"I mean I watched you die, just like Trip."

"Then how am I still alive?"

I-I don't know," she stammered, glancing down. How was she to tell him she turned back time?

"Hey, hey, just tell me. I'll believe you rookie, I promise," he gently lifted her face to his.

"I...went back."

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now