Home sweet Shield.

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(Picture above equals feels. Yes, I know I'm late to the posting party but still.)

*Shield Safe-House. Location: Classified. 8:54 PM*

They stepped up to the door of the house, the safe-house to be exact.
After this whole thing went down, everyone on the plane agreed it would be best for the couple to go on maternity leave.

Bobbi had since woken up, still sitting in the lab recovering. She hated the idea of staying off of missions, but right now that wasn't her call. It was Coulson's call to make sure no one else was injured on his team, on his watch.
Fitz was still recovering, and everytime Jemma came back from visiting him, the whole teams hearts broke for the two.

He had been stuck in the some traumatic type coma thing that Skye really couldn't explain without Simmons' medical terms.
The doctor refused to do any Tahiti related experiments on Fitz, which relieved Phil especially that there was another solution, another medicine. Hopefully, another way.

Skye and Ward stood at the front door of their house, again with many bags sitting on the front porch.
Hunter helped Bobbi out of the car, and Skye rushed over immediately to aid her with what she was attempting to carry.
No way she was going to be able to do it herself. Bobbi's face was twisted into a scowl.

"I don't need this much help, I mean thanks but...I can..."

"No, you can't Bobbi you're injured!" Hunter intervened.

And...well the entire team also agreed that it would be better to harbor Bobbi and Hunter in their safe-house until she fully recovered.
Well none of them agreed about Hunter, Skye especially, but he always followed Bobbi around so none of them questioned it when he hopped in the car beside her.

Bobbi rolled her eyes and groaned behind Skye. She smiled at the two, not peeling her eyes from the humongous house looming over her.

Skye followed the two up to the porch steps, lugging along their bags. Soon enough, sure enough, they all stood at the small crowded porch. Which wasn't small since connected to two wings of the porch-so actually a rather large porch. They all just decided to stand in that one particular small spot.

The crowded air was definitely annoying the f*ck out of Ward.

"Let me make this clear," Ward began,"Skye and I live here now, this is our house, so please Hunter and Bobbi, no training matches in our kitchen."

Long, long, looonng story. Not hard to explain, but the aftermath required more than a plumber.

They both nodded. Though both looked as mischievous as the first time the disaster had taken place.

Ward held his ID up to the special key code, the door scanning and unlocking. Convenient.
Ward took a deep breath, grabbing both Skye and his bags, pushing open the door and stepping inside to what would be considered an actual home to him and his family. He didn't know what he expected.

The exterior, painted a white which was now more worn to a muddy white. The shudders colored red, one large porch also a muddy color, matching the house. It was a pretty large building-to the looks of it. Also, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. There was one lonely road that went on for boring miles-one which no one traveled down-but then a sudden bam! A house stood at the end. Across from the house were just cornfields, and a large pond, and, according to Coulson one hell of a sunset. Next to the house, an abandoned barn torn to almost complete pieces, the rest of the house surrounded by cornfields and tress. Except for behind the house, which had a large barren area-for which he assumed Coulson meant as a play-area for their kids.

SkyeWard: Rollercoaster (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now